Day 175 or “The Day Stormy is Rejected From a Cafe”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readJul 15, 2017

Ka-thump. That is the sound of a 5 year old falling out of bed. I run into the bedroom to see her wrapped in her blanket on the floor. Still fast asleep. This girl is indestructible.

Morning arrives and Stormy is no worse for wear. A last minute invitation to pancakes awakens us from our morning stupor. Dad Rule #27 — Never say no to free pancakes.

We wander downstairs to her friends house and let them run around. I get adult conversation over coffee ☕️ and pancakes which makes everything seem much more civilised. However, the change to the morning routine disrupts everything. Stormy has no intention of going to Sportsball as usual. Instead she just wants to play Lego. Hours and hours of Lego.

Just before lunch time, I eventually get her to come out of the house by promising to take her to the Art Science Museum. We scoot off, only briefly disrupted by the Singapore Air-force practicing for the National Day Celebration. We spend a few hours in the museum, pausing briefly for lunch (consisting of Donuts and Chocolate Muffins — don’t ask, it’s all they had), and return to explore the interactive exhibits. On the way home we stop by my office so I can print a couple of documents. Stormy takes the opportunity to draw the life-cycle of a butterfly on my whiteboard. I intend to leave it there as long as possible.

We decide to stop at the Cat Cafe 🐈 ☕️ in Boat Quay as Stormy has never been there. Stormy is so excited as we walk up the stairs. It goes badly when the store manager, very politely, comes up and tells us that there is an age minimum to enter. 7 years old. Stormy bursts into tears 😿 and stands there looking at the cats in the window that she can’t touch. I wish I could do something, but am limited to telling the manager that I understand and slowly extricating ourselves from the shop.

She’s sniffles all the way home.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.