Day 191 or “The Day Stormy Builds A Fort”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
1 min readJul 31, 2017

Stormy seems to have fully recovered today. I ask her how her tummy is and she rolls her eyes at me. “Fine”, she says channeling her inner 14 year-old. I get her breakfast ready and drop her onto the school bus. Her school doesn’t call during the day asking me to come and pick her up, so I assume everything is normal again.

I come home to find Stormy hiding in a pillow fort that she has made during the afternoon. She had another play-date today and this one seems to have involved construction rather than destruction like the last one. The clean-up is about the same though. She eats most of her dinner and we actually make it to bed on time. She even chooses to read me a story.

She then spends the next 2 hours choosing not to stay in bed. Eventually deciding to sleep on the sofa tonight. She makes herself a little nest of pillows. It’s kinda cute.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.