Day 216 or “The Day Stormy Has Her First Sleepover”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readAug 25, 2017

It is a school bus morning today. I prepare a simple breakfast and get Stormy dressed and her hair brushed before bundling her down to the bus stop. No fuss. No chaos. No problem.

However, this Friday is unlike any previous Friday. I return from work about 10 minutes before Stormy’s best friend arrives for her first sleepover. The excitement is palpable. Once he arrives, I discuss logistics with his mother while they run around the house working off built-up energy. Stormy is mostly excited to show everyone her new bed. To be fair it is an awesome bed. It has a slide.

Dinner arrives not long after — Movie night McDonalds is on the menu. Stormy is incredibly well behaved. She allows “her guest” the first choice of movie (Angry Birds) and even allows him to share her corn. I’m very proud of her. Stormy picks Movie #2 (My Little Pony — Equestria Girls #4) and I make honey popcorn for them both. It would normally be maple popcorn but we’re using up all the consumables in the house and are out of maple syrup. They help me mix the honey syrup through the popcorn and make a huge mess in the process. It seems appropriate for the night.

After the second movie, I get them to get into pyjamas and brush teeth. Bed, on the other hand, is not a battle I’m willing to fight tonight. They spend the next hour playing; everything from building Lego, chasing the cat, drawing, and just generally chatting. Although at some point they decide that I’m not allowed in their room and the door is shut on me.

The night has been a win.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.