Day 217 or “The Day After Stormy Has Her First Sleepover”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readAug 26, 2017

It’s well past midnight before Stormy and her best friend fall asleep. They spend the last hour sitting in bed 🛏, with the little night light on 🔦, chatting away with each other 💬. By 1am I have to crack down on it though. Stormy is over tired and gets sulky 😞 for a while. However, she’s asleep before too long 🛌.

It’s a little past 8am when I walk into their room to wake them up. It’s but a single groggy minute before the two of them start playing with each other. The double mayhem means that it takes a while before I have them both dressed, teeth brushed and ready to face the day. Stormy is so excited that her friend will be joining for ToastBox and Sportsball.

No scooter today, so we grab a taxi into Orchard Road 🚕. ToastBox has a Chilli Crab Toast special that I try — fantastic. From there we walk across the road to Sportsball. I greatly appreciate the coaches there. They accept her friend without question and invite him to participate. I watch them play, what I can only assume is, Basketball.

Stormy wants to treat her friend to Ice Cream 🍨, so we wander back across the road to Ben & Jerry’s. They are launching a new flavour, so it’s all you can eat Ice Cream for $15. 5-year-olds just don’t understand. They have half a scoop each and declare themselves done. I try and get my money’s worth at least. 😛

We taxi home and go for a swim 🏊 while we’re waiting for his parents 👪 to arrive. Stormy gets upset at all this and sits under a table for about 20 minutes. 5 minutes before his parents arrive she emerges and starts playing (like nothing was ever wrong). However, before long (and nearly 2pm) we bid him adieu.

The rest of the afternoon is just the two of us playing. First at home (mostly hide & seek) then at the local play gym (The City). The day passes quickly.

« First Day | ‹ Yesterday (Day 216) | Tomorrow (Day 218) › | Final Day »



Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.