Day 218 or “T-7”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
3 min readAug 27, 2017

So, if you’re unsure about having children of your own, find someone to ask you to play hide-and-seek (badly) 100 times in a row and see if it’s right for you. From the moment she wakes, until I manage to extract her to go for breakfast, it’s all hide-and-seek. Of course, finding her too soon or taking too long ends badly for everyone. I do eventually manage to convince her that we should take Chewie out for a walk and get breakfast at the same time. Stormy eats two sausages, while I eat the rest of her breakfast. No lunch for me today.

Parenting tip #12 — always order 1 meal less than you think. You’ll end up eating hers anyway.

After breakfast, we jump on the scooter and ride out to Orchard Road to get her a long-overdue haircut at a newly recommended hairdresser. Her usual salon has decided to limit themselves to children’s makeovers and parties. Welcome to the expat (more money than sense) side of Singapore. After her haircut, she tells me that she’s hungry. So, against my better judgement we stop for McDonalds for lunch. I order nothing for myself having eaten the aforementioned two breakfasts. When the food arrives, Stormy refuses to eat anything. I will admit to being somewhat frustrated at this point.

With only 7 days left of single-fatherhood, and an impending international move, Stormy and I go through our wardrobes and purge the clothes that aren’t coming with us. Stormy understands the need and is fairly ruthless.

As she’s been good, and the purging taking less time than I thought, I treat her to a movie at the cinema. The only age-appropriate movie is “The Emoji Movie”. I grit my teeth and buy us tickets. If bad is the opposite of good, then this is not a bad movie. I didn’t hate the movie. In fact, I have no feeling towards it whatsoever. It’s just really boring. The characters are bland, the plot is insipid and the threats are dull. Stormy liked it.

When we return home, I ask Stormy what she wants for dinner. “Spaghetti Bolognese”. A short while later, I put Spaghetti Bolognese on the table. “When I said Bolognese, I meant Nacho’s” Stormy exclaims.

Breathe Evan, breathe…

The evening goes as usual. We Skype her mother. Stormy plays hide and seek with her over the computer. It doesn’t work very well. She talks about her day.

Do you know what takes longer than a child telling a story? Nothing.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.