Day 222 or “T-3”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readAug 31, 2017

The day that all parents dread is here. The end of school. As a single(ish) father for the next few days there is only one option available. To bring Stormy to work with me. You have no idea how excited she is. She packs her bag, packs a bag for her “baby” and we’re off. We arrive upstairs at about 8:15. I park my scooter and sign Stormy in with security (because, of course I do) and we head straight back downstairs for breakfast. ToastBox of course.

After 45, well-behaved, minutes later, we emerge back upstairs. Most of the rest of my team has arrived. Stormy isn’t shy for long and thrives off the attention from my colleagues. She draws pictures on the whiteboards and on post-it notes. These she gives to her new friends to stick on their laptops to remind them of her. I don’t think they’ll forget any time soon. One of my friends has even brought in some Lego for her to play with. This keeps her focused for 30 minutes as she tries to assemble everything.

Another of my colleagues goes down and buys cupcakes for everyone. The spoiling is complete. And everyone is happy.

Sadly, by lunch, it is time for her to go. Her helper is taking her to the Art Science Museum to draw and play. I take her downstairs, whereupon she decides she doesn’t want to go. She sits on the floor to protest leaving. As I don’t negotiate with teeny tiny terrorists I give her a hug, tell her I love her, and turn around & walk away. I hear a sniffle, but don’t turn around. Our helper messages two minutes later to tell me that she’s totally fine and they are on their way to the museum.

I’m late home from work after announcing my intentions to resign from IBM in a couple of months and the subsequent drinks. Our helper has gotten Stormy ready for bed, but they are still playing when I come in the door. I read Stormy a book (The Princess Who Saved Herself) and put her to bed. It’s been a good day.

« First Day | ‹ Yesterday (Day 221) | Tomorrow (Day 223) › | Final Day »



Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.