Achievement — notes

Sam McLaren
Digital Dorset
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2021

As part of my #weeknotechallenge I have decided to challenge myself to doing a different style of weeknotes every week.

The other Eight are linked below:

‘Traditional’ Weeknotes , Gif-Notes , Sketch-Notes, Shanty-Notes, Week-quotes, Animal Crossing — Notes , Poster — Notes, Haiku — notes

Today i am basing my weeknotes around Xbox achievements because i think its good to talk about things achieved as well as things that have happened.

(take a wild guess what i was doing when i got this idea)

Creativity is something i am really passionate about and i love to encouraging people to embrace their own.

The 19th — 25th of April is Creativity & Innovation week so this week myself and some volunteers from the team had our first brainstorm session. We came up with lots of great ideas to get peoples creative juices flowing so keep a look out for more news soon!

(excuse the pun) My main piece of work at the moment is discovery for parking services and simply put its been sorting and analysing shed loads of data in spreadsheets

What this has done is made me think really deeply about how Insights Colourworks functions. I used to be high blue energy (facts and figures) but now i am high yellow (creativity, inspiration).

I found it fairly easy to slip back into blue to do this piece of work, but my insight type doesn’t show that. If someone never feels confident to do ‘yellow’ things, then are they ever going to develop those skills? Instead of being flexible and agile are we locking ourselves into mild stereotypes? (this person is good with people they can do this etc.) I didn’t really have a concreate conclusion, but I guess something to think about.

This week i ran a workshop on Pixlr which is an online photo editor similar to Photoshop. I tend to do a lot of editing on photos whether it is for events like the festival or for my weeknotes. Having skills is one thing but it’s really empowering and inspiring when you share and teach them.

I hope everyone in the class managed to learn something but it’s also comforting that some people might not be challenging me anytime soon 😂

I did it! After a few missteps along the way i finally recorded the next volume of the Digital Dorset Podcast.

Vol.4 kicks off a new season of the podcast with some new ideas to reinvent and rejuvenate the format.

This volume is me sitting down with some of my team members children to talk about home schooling and lockdown life.

I haven’t finished editing it yet but I’ve made a little teaser for you to listen to in the meantime!

Thanks Sarah, Claire, and Alex for helping out

Finally let’s talk about Team time!

In the current situation spending time with the team is more important than ever Over the lats year we have had lots of activities and sessions booked in for the team but since the new year the amount of people attending has been steadily dropping.

This seems most likely to be because of the influx of work everyone is currently undertaking but it means that people are having less of that social aspect which is so important for wellbeing and mental health. I personally have been struggling with motivation, but it seems to be improving week by week.

Hopefully this will improve after people take some time off around Easter because at the moment everyone is running out of gas and they need a break!

So that concludes my weeknote for this week! I have no idea how long i will be able to keep this weeknote challenge up but i am really glad i have done it because i have developed so many new skills in the process.

Now to go watch Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

Sam out!



Sam McLaren
Digital Dorset

Working to promote Dorset as a place to live, work, and visit. DL100 member. Inspiringthefuture volunteer. TED Speaker #SamsBrightIdeas