Top Stories published by Digital Leaders in 2016

4 steps for local government digital leaders

Written by Theo Blackwell, Cabinet Member for Finance, Technology and Growth at LB Camden

Digital transformation is one of the most exciting challenges facing local public services, but one which is often inadequately…

The Government Digital Service is evolving, not retreating

Written by Matthew Trimming, Founder of META

Ignore the doom-mongers.

Earlier this week Andrew Greenway wrote an article for CSW in which he declared the latest change in…

5 things digital talent looks for

Written by Robin Knowles, Founder and CEO of Digital Leaders

This week we flipped the usual Digital Skills conversation on its head: how to get people with the right skills ready for work, by thinking instead about what the limited and hard to…

Good culture evolves from the bottom up

Written by Stephen Foreshew-Cain, Executive Director of GDS

A week or so ago, I was invited to speak at the ND16 Digital Leaders event, on the subject “Culture, behaviour and transformation”. Here’s what I said on the day.

These were the top 10 stories published by Digital Leaders in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Digital Leaders
Thoughts on leadership, strategy and digital transformation across all sectors. Articles first published on the Digital Leaders blog at
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