How to Use the echo3D JavaScript SDK (Tutorial)

Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2023

This example project utilizes the echo3D JavaScript SDK to allow users to interact with the echo3D API via JavaScript code. The SDK can be downloaded here.

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  • Upload your desired 3D models, videos, and images to the console.
  • Open a new terminal.
  • Run the following in the terminal:
    -git clone
    -cd echo3D-JavaScriptSDK-Example-Project
    -start echo3D-JavaScriptSDK-Example.html
  • Copy your API key from the top of the console and paste it into the application.
  • Copy an entry ID by clicking the icon next to the name of any model you have uploaded to the console and paste it into the application.
  • Optionally do the same for the secret key on the Security page of the console, if your project has it enabled.
  • Click “Load Key.” This will allow you to keep making API calls from the same API key.
  • Outputs of API calls will display as JSON in the center textbox.


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echo3D (; Techstars 19’) is a cloud platform for 3D asset management that provides tools and cloud infrastructure to help developers quickly build and deploy 3D/AR/VR games, apps, and content.

