Top Stories published by EdSquared in June of 2008

New Team System MVP

Speaking of Team System, I found out last week that I have been officially inducted into the Team System MVP group. Earlier this year, I was awarded as an MVP in the Client Application Development competency. Don’t get me wrong, I still love WPF & Silverlight development and will continue to…

Enter the Coolest Team System Gadget Contest!

Fellow Team System MVP Mike Azocar has announced an awesome new contest to stir up the Team System tools ecoystem. There are some really cool prizes so far including a free license for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Suite 2008 w/ MSDN Premium

Speaking about Team Build 2008 at the Dallas VSTS User Group

I’ll be speaking on July 1, 2008 at the Dallas Visual Studio Team System User Group. Starts at 6 PM. This is going to be a really exciting session for me personally and I love that we have a big block of time to get into some…

Thoughts about building software more effectively and efficiently. We love DevOps!
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