New year and new horizons

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2018

Dear Eligma supporters!

Aspiring to be the change we wish to see in the commerce world, it is hard for us to believe that more than a year has passed since the founding of Eligma. We live this vision day by day, product by product, sprint by sprint, with our attention always focused on the next goal in line. It is very rewarding to look back and see that, in our first year, we have successfully followed our road map and even enjoyed some other unexpected victories along the way.

It was last December when the ambition of CEO Dejan Roljic attracted two further founders and a variety of first-rate advisors from all over the world. This was followed by a successful public crowdsale, entry into numerous exchanges with our ELI token, and even the Best Pitch Award at Crypto Summit in Switzerland. We have also expanded our team, with world-class blockchain developer force as its latest addition.

In September, we launched HelloElly, our MVP product offering a glance into user-centred AI shopping assistance. Next was Elipay, a mobile solution for paying with cryptocurrencies. Today, Elipay is accepted at more than 230 locations in Slovenia (which is the highest number of physical locations accepting crypto per capita in the world), and its intense presence at one of Europe’s most important shopping and business centres, BTC City, led to the creation of the first ever Bitcoin City™ in the world. Eligma owns the registered trademark of this next-generation commerce ecosystem.

We have presented our products and know-how in numerous parts of the world, especially in Silicon Valley, where the feedback and interest more than exceeded our expectations. Eligma is now a founding partner of Cryptonite Ventures, one of the most advanced blockchain communities on the global level.

We are proud that Elipay has importantly contributed to one of our most central goals — to bring cryptocurrencies into the mainstream and show its advantages as a means of payment. We remain dedicated to crypto and firmly believe that, with its underlying technology, it will change the world of payment and commerce as we know it. In this, we are convinced that technology is there not to serve progress, but the people who use it.

Consequently, the most important part of our success so far was creating global interest in the form of an amazing community of early adopters and supporters all over the world. We can not thank you enough for believing in us and supporting us in our vision.

We build our products with all of us in mind, aiming to solve daily commerce challenges with useful, unique and top-quality products, and we could not have made it this far without you. We wish you all a lot of personal happiness and a lot of success in the new year. Let us start this new chapter together!

Best wishes,

The Eligma Team

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