Rising From the Slumber to Embrace Engage’s October Challenge

Harness the power of dreams to overcome your fears with Engage

Rui Alves
3 min readSep 30, 2023


Young African-american woman showing a t-shirt that says: goals, dreams and melanin.
Photo by Alex Nemo Hanse on Unsplash

Dear Engage family,

It’s the last day of September, and our monthly challenge “Fears Kill Dreams” is coming to an end too.

Nevertheless, we’re still looking forward to reading any last-minute stories you are willing to share with our community.

Our authors have opened up about their fears, confronted them, and inspired us to overcome anything holding us back in this age of infinite loneliness arising from the pandemic crisis.

While I wrote this piece, serendipity worked its magic, and “Wake Me Up When September Ends” by Green Day started playing on the radio.

While listening to Billy Joe sing:

“As my memory rests, but never forgets what I lost, wake me up when September ends”

I get this feeling that we all need a wake-up call in our post-pandemic reality.

So why not keep the momentum going and flip the switch on our previous prompt, starting with a new challenge for October?

Dreams Kill Fears

That’s our new motto for the coming month. October is the month of all spooks, and we’d like to read about the conflict between good vs. evil, light vs. dark, etc.

Write about any small thing that makes you happy. Write about where you want to be next year or in five years.

This is a broad prompt, so please let your creativity flow.

Please add the tag “Dreams Kill Fears.” We’ll set up a new tab to feature your stories on the homepage.

Let yourself be inspired by the stories we’ve shared under the “Fears Kill Dreams prompt.”

Challenge Stories

Fear What! — September Writing Prompt on Engage: ‘Fears Kill Dreams’

By Annelise Lords

One’s Deepest Fear Should Be Jailed In The Basement

Then throw away the key and nail shut the door

By Joel R. Dennstedt

Fears Kill Dreams

But They Won’t Kill My Daughter’s Dreams! (Sept. Prompt)

By Melody

My Fear and Its Remedy Share the Same Name

“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen…” Brené Brown

By Natalie

Fears of a Single Introvert in her Sixties

Finding the balance between solitude and social connection…

By Rosa Diaz-Casal

The Fear Of Success Is Real

Doing things just for fun is allowed

By Susan Wheelock

When Fears Kill Dreams: Navigating the Bridge Between Anxiety and Ambition

By Stephen Dalton

Flipping the Tables on My Fear

Engage’s Challenge on ‘Fear Kills Dreams’ dredges up memories of a crushing moment in my early writing life

By Trisha Faye

Handpicked stories

The Sun Wolf

In a retelling of a wise Cherokee fable, Grandmother, the village peacemaker, has helped two adults resolve a fiery dispute.

By Henry India Holden💖

Maximizing Tiny Pockets of Time

In a way that doesn’t exhaust me.

By Jenna Tidd

Her Future Self is Helping Her Through Early Challenges

A yearlong solo teaching adventure overseas begins now

By Joy DeSomber

I’m Only 75% Human

I knew something was wrong with me

By Michael Rhodes

My Fascination With Time is Because I Got Kicked Out of a Meeting For Being Late

You are not always operating on your time, but someone else’s time.

By Tom Handy

Closing thoughts

That’s all for now. I’ll leave you with the “Wake Me Up When September Ends” lyrics and melody. This feels like a great motto for a story, so maybe you can share your thoughts with us.

Source: Green Day on YouTube | Reprise & Warner Bros



Rui Alves
Editor for

Language teacher, linguist, coach, published author, editor, and international nonfiction book awards judge. Digital ronin, musician, and alchemist of sound.