Ethereum Cat Herders Update #34

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
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7 min readNov 24, 2020

Eth2 deposit contract, genesis expected to be on Dec 1, Pyrmont, Eth2 client updates, YOLO v3, Network upgrade process, Geth bug, Eth 1.0 client updates, 1559 testnet, breakout-room discussion, Account Abstraction community call, Peep an EIP, EIP-2982, EIPIP, ECH meetings & community update.

Welcome to another edition of the Ethereum Cat Herders community update to bring you up to speed since the last update.

Ethereum 2.0

Eth2 Genesis Launch

Phase-0 testnets

Pyrmont testnet

Medalla testnet

Eth2.0 Clients’s update

  • Nimbus- v0.6.6 (hope): New RPC APIs added for inspecting the internal state of the Eth1 monitor
  • Prysm- v1.0.0-beta.3: Prysm is now configured to generate the correct mainnet genesis state.
  • Lighthouse- Rick Sanchez: This release marks Lighthouse transitioning into a production/stable development phase. It is recommended all users to upgrade to v1.0.0, especially if they're intending to stake with a genesis validator.
  • Teku — v20.11.0-RC2: Optimised gossip handling in jvm-libp2p, optimized attestation and aggregate verification ensuring signatures are only verified once.
  • If you’re running a validator, turn your node on. Look for the latest update from your clients.

Additional resources

Ethereum 1.0

Ethereum All Core Developers’ meeting

YOLOv3 & Berlin client updates

— Besu has YOLOv2 + EIP-2565 done and working on EIP-2718; will be all done by the next AllCoreDevs.

Geth: YOLOv2 + EIP-2565 done, has a few questions about 2718 and its networking implications.

Nethermind: EIP-2565 is almost done, EIP-2315 is done, EIP-2929 is ready to test. Some concerns for EIP-2718 and EIP-2930 is almost done.

OpenEthereum: All the v3 EIPs are merged on their dev branch, except EIP-2718 & EIP-2930.

  • EIP-2718 clarification & interactions with 2930

— Geth team and some others have questions on wrapping Legacy Transaction.

— Consensus seems to be building to wrap the legacy transactions using EIP-2972 to handle legacy transactions under EIP-2718.

— A breakout-room session will be planned to flesh out details.

  • Network upgrade process update

— The Network upgrade process is explained. This is an evolving process and some improvements are expected as we proceed with Berlin upgrade on mainnet.

— There’s an EthMagicians link for discussions.

— The best place to track progress:

— Requested to move to CFI

— Geth & Besu team have started to look into the EIP

  • Responsible disclosure / Geth bug

— Peter from the Geth team explained the issues and mention the security release.

  • ACD meeting#100: agenda, video, notes, Tim’s tweet.
  • The next meeting is scheduled for November 27, 2020, at 1400 UTC. Agenda.

Additional resources

Eth1.0 Clients update

GethAkantha (v1.9.24): Geth v1.9.24 is a security release. It is built with Go v1.15.5, fixing CVE-2020–28362, which has a critical impact for Ethereum. This release also contains a fix for a consensus issue related to mining, which would have triggered a chain split on January 1st, 2021. Upgrade your nodes! Go-ethereum has now started issuing security advisories via GitHub.


OpenEthereum — OpenEthereum v3.1.0

— Beginner Introduction — Wiki OpenEthereum Documentation

Nethermind — v1.9.37

— Improving Nethermind performance

EIP-1559 fees market change


  • The project & infrastructure providers’ outreach for EIP-1559 is in progress. Wallets and exchanges are the primary targets for this outreach.
  • If you’re from an exchange, wallet, mining pools, project on Ethereum chain or infrastructure providers, and have questions on the proposal, contact or to schedule a meeting today.
  • If you haven’t responded to the questionnaire yet, consider responding now!

Breakout-room discussion


Should the legacy transactions be wrapped?

How do we format the new tx type? Is now the right time to introduce the SSZ?

  • Enough support / not strong opposition to using SSZ from the people who attended the breakout room meeting.
  • People are open to hearing concerns about using SSZ.

Next steps

Piper Merriam will ping each client on Discord (async) to check if they are willing to use SSZ implementation from Eth2 clients or are feel a need for a massive amount of testing on their own.

  • Geth — agrees
  • Besu team seems to be fine with using SSZ
  • OpenEthereum thinks it should be okay but will confirm async
  • Trinity — supporting the proposal

To be discussed

  • Potential delays if SSZ is chosen to move ahead with figuring out whether or not Ethereum client teams are okay with it and some other details.

EIPIP working group

  • EIPIP meeting #21: agenda, video, notes.
  • The next EIPIP meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 02 , 2020, at 15:00 UTC.

Community updates

Ethereum Cat Herders

Account Abstraction Community call

We organized the first Account Abstraction community call in association with Anett from The Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians. Authors Ansgar Dietrichs, Sam Wilson joined us to answer community questions, video available. Follow the post to find a curated list of resources available on EIP-2938.

Peep an EIP

Released video


ECH meeting

Support the Ethereum Cat Herders

Share your question, comments, and suggestions with me on Twitter. Thank you for reading 🙏.

— The Ethereum Cat Herders



Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.