Top Stories published by eutrapely in 2010


I love this comic by One FTE — Inspired by HumaneResource’s blog post on Recruiting for Cultural Fit.

Got Trust?

I finally got my hands on the most recent issue of BRW that lists the Top 50 Great Places to Work in Australia and while there are a number of points that are made about great place to work there was one in particular that stood out to me.

In all the companies listed and profiled a high level of trust was a…

What is The Value of HR?

I mentioned the ‘one thing thing I would change about HR’ blog series today at work and the question was raised by a colleague, what is the point of HR? And, to that end wouldn’t we just be better without it?

Questions About My Search for The Job

During the time I have been looking for The Job people have raised a number of questions with me, in essence the questions are similar to those asked at the start of an interview around how did you get here, why us, etc. Since this is the place where I have aired…

These were the top 10 stories published by eutrapely in 2010. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2010 by using the calendar at the top of this page.