Archive of stories published by everydayhero engineering

Create an Elixir Phoenix API — Part 2— Generate an API Swagger Specification

<< Part 1 — Initial Barebones Setup

Welcome back! This time we’ll focus on how to generate and surface our API’s documentation, adding a route to help explore, and update…

Extensibility in Elixir Using Protocols

The last post took a little look into the concept of atoms in Elixir and how they are used. This post will cover one of options that Elixir provides for extensibility, protocols.


Elixir Atoms

The last post took a peek at how functions can be defined and passed around in Elixir. This post centres around atoms and some of their not so obvious traits.

What are they?

Elixir Function Capturing

The last post covered some bits and bobs about Elixir variable rebinding. This post will aim to cover some interesting things we have learned about defining, and passing around functions in Elixir.

Defining Functions with def