All Stories published by Extra Newsfeed on November 09, 2016

About What Happened Last Night…

“The end of the republic has never looked better,” — joked Barack Obama at the The White House correspondents dinner at the end of April.

Because I’m a man, I hadn’t cried during a political event of any kind — until Hillary Clinton’s concession…

Where Election Forecasts Got it Wrong

Donald Trump predicted this election would be “Brexit plus plus plus.” He was right.

Just 10 days ago, prediction markets showed Trump as a 10-to-1 underdog. His projected odds among election forecasters in the media were even lower, some…

I Expect You To Do What Is Right

In an earlier article, I described how getting scammed really affected my view of humanity, and how I was struggling with trying to understand how people could act from such a place of selfishness and disregard for their fellow man.

Drain the Swamp?

Donald Trump had one more surprise up his sleeve.
The Republican nominee was elected president Tuesday…

I was going to write a long-winded thing about my feelings about the election, but then Anna Now wrote this, which basically sums it up for me.

On Facebook this morning, I linked to David Remnick’s New Yorker article called An American Tragedy, which I urge you all to read.