Go to Family Matters
Family Matters
A publication for parents and families of all types to share their experiences.
Note from the editor

A publication for parents and families of all types to share their experiences.

Go to the profile of David Fox
David Fox
The challenges and triumphs of parenting while disabled. Email: davefox990@hotmail.com
Go to the profile of Lucy Morris
Lucy Morris
Sick of these lefty snowflakes? Then I think you might be lost.
Go to the profile of Mason Sabre
Mason Sabre
Mason is an author and a teacher. He loves to write and read and will always be a life-long learner. https://www.patreon.com/masonsabre
Go to the profile of Laura Fox
Laura Fox
I write to heal myself and others. Instagram: @laure_e_fox_
Go to the profile of Karen G Berry
Karen G Berry
Karen G. Berry is a writer by day and night. She blogs here: https://karengberry.mywriting.network/
Go to the profile of Matilda Fairholm
Matilda Fairholm
Writing to rescue others from the devastation of domestic abuse, and learning to live better. https://matildafairholm.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Emme Beckett
Emme Beckett
I’m Emme, like the letter. Find me at www.emmebeckett.com or email at emmebeckett@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Karen DeGroot Carter
Karen DeGroot Carter
Bylines in Publishers Weekly, Literary Mama, others. One Sister’s Song (novel). Not Nearly Everything You Need to Know About Writing (ebook).
Go to the profile of Ellen Mady
Ellen Mady
Mom. Friend. Citizen. Breadwinner. Life-long learner.
Go to the profile of Evamarie Augustine
Evamarie Augustine
Musing about markets and more (evamarie.augustine@gmail.com)
Go to the profile of Caithlin Palfrey
Caithlin Palfrey
Living, learning & working in the same space. Choosing simple changes that make a big difference. Practicing gratitude everyday. https://livelearntogether.co.uk
Go to the profile of T.J. Johansson
T.J. Johansson
Prize winning author. Men’s sexual health, confidence & mental health.
Go to the profile of Alex El Sehamy, MD
Alex El Sehamy, MD
Psychiatrist | NYC
Go to the profile of Catelyn Silapachai
Catelyn Silapachai
I write about books, parenting, politics, and religion. I live in Austin, Texas with my husband, daughter, dogs, and plants.
Go to the profile of Maria Milojković, MA
Maria Milojković, MA
Serbian translator | Life is unpredictable but rewarding. Create, it will save you | For more articles, follow From Maria with Love 👉 https://bit.ly/3zcGLdE
Go to the profile of Elena Romanova
Elena Romanova
Working mom with ambitions. Sharing personal experience in business and startups, write about productivity and personal development.
Go to the profile of Lily Latson
Lily Latson
Recovering type A personality and mother of 2. www.love-and-lily.com
Go to the profile of Tobias Hermes
Tobias Hermes
Used to play baseball, now I play dad. Paramedic. Freelancer.
Go to the profile of aimeepalooza
Wife, mom, Michigan Wolverine, and terrible triathlete with a love of words. Spoonie who enjoys nerding out on medical abstracts, genetics, politics and history
Go to the profile of Pamela
I moved to China in 2011. Expat Mum. Freelance writer. Author of— The “M” Word: A Collection of Stories about Miscarriage & Hope.
Go to the profile of Laura Wellington - Author & Entrepreneur
Laura Wellington - Author & Entrepreneur
ZNEEX app, TEDx Speaker, Award-winning tv creator, Author, www.zneex.app, threadmb.com, ljwelli@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Amanda Clark-Rudolph
Amanda Clark-Rudolph
Amanda is a work at home mama who contributes to various magazines and blogs. Contact her at writeonfreelancingllc@gmail.com for interview or blog articles.
Go to the profile of Ivery del Campo
Ivery del Campo
Beach mom. Chef's wife. Literature prof, writer.
Go to the profile of Jane June
Jane June
alternative opinion, radical compassion, endless hope. JaneJunePen@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Kathy Santhouse
Go to the profile of Rachel Sample M.Ed.
Rachel Sample M.Ed.
Ph.D. of History Student and Homeschooling Mother to Eight Children. Currently Residing in Honolulu, Hawaii. Find me on https://twitter.com/sweethomebouti1
Go to the profile of Kellie Theresa
Kellie Theresa
Independent Author | Mummy to three beautiful girls, just wanting to achieve her writing dreams. Click here to see a list of my books : https://rb.gy/x2dx1m
Go to the profile of Jean Shortall-Roznik
Jean Shortall-Roznik
Tri-citizen: Ireland, Canada, US. Mother, physical therapist, environmentalist, contrarian. Washington Post, Globe and Mail, Charlotte Observer, NPR.
Go to the profile of Nuha Khaled
Nuha Khaled
Freelance Software Engineer | Unschooling Mother of 3 | Dedicated Muslimah
Go to the profile of Sarah Rose
Sarah Rose
Hi, I’m Sarah — Wife & Mother, Fitness & Yoga Professional, Right-brained Dreamer.
Go to the profile of Christopher Gammon
Go to the profile of Yomna Elsayed
Yomna Elsayed
Programming Teacher for Kids - Online Courses and Mother of a Toddler
Go to the profile of Nivee Madan
Nivee Madan
Occasional rule breaker, but avid new rule creator. I have ideas that shoot for the stars, but land on the moon. I write about autism, and career development.
Go to the profile of Lotus Lee
Lotus Lee
My passion involves Beauty.Brains. Baby. A Girly girl gamer. Feminity is kinda my thing.👠 Topics include: Beauty Gaming Women relationships Parenting.
Go to the profile of Zeina Nasreddine, MPH
Zeina Nasreddine, MPH
A mother of 2, and an avid reader on health and parenting topics, with a passion for writing.
Go to the profile of Sarah Mancao
Sarah Mancao
Mother, wife, caregiver. Narrative nonfiction, poetry, family life.
Go to the profile of Caroline Mellor
Caroline Mellor
Mother, writer, creature in awe. Top writer in poetry and climate change www.carolinemellorwriter.com @_carolinemellor_
Go to the profile of Mason Sabre
Mason Sabre
Mason is an author and a teacher. He loves to write and read and will always be a life-long learner. https://www.patreon.com/masonsabre
Go to the profile of LJ Black
LJ Black
Wife. Mother to an autistic son and an adopted daughter. Alpha female to my pack of dogs & lover of nature. Eagerly searching for that perfect Prosecco.
Go to the profile of Lisa Renee
Go to the profile of Alison Acheson
Alison Acheson
My latest book is a memoir, Dance Me to the End: Ten Months and Ten Days With ALS. My newsletter is on Substack: THE UNSCHOOL FOR WRITERS.
Go to the profile of Debbie Rodolfo
Debbie Rodolfo
Writer, mother, book lover, businesswoman, traveler from the Philippines || www.bloomingpen.net
Go to the profile of Jeanne Yacoubou, MS
Jeanne Yacoubou, MS
3x Top Writer | Climate mom | Environmental writer | Sustainability researcher
Go to the profile of Alison Escalante MD
Alison Escalante MD
How can we take effective action under pressure? Forbes Contributor | TEDx Speaker | Pediatrician | PsychToday | ShouldStorm.com
Go to the profile of Adeline Mae
Adeline Mae
A voracious reader with vast interests. Exploring my passion for living an easy and examined life at www.choosingeasy.com
Go to the profile of N. Y. Adams 🖋️
N. Y. Adams 🖋️
Nicole Y. Adams is a freelance commercial German/English marketing and PR translator and editor based in Brisbane, Australia. 🌴☕ www.nyacommunications.com
Go to the profile of Maria Chapman
Maria Chapman
Maria Chapman is the CEO of Connected Ghostwriting, LLC. She writes about mental health, social justice, relationships, and business leadership.
Go to the profile of Sarah K. Butterfield
Sarah K. Butterfield
Writer, speaker, and ministry leader. Always seeking to empower others at http://sarahkbutterfield.com
Go to the profile of Cory Zacker
Cory Zacker
Business Strategist ~ Writer ~ Digital Nomad ~ Mom who writes about life, relationships, family, education, and travel.
Go to the profile of Brett Chrest
Brett Chrest
After 15 years working for the Federal government, I’m a stay-at-home dad trying to figure out why the laundry won’t fold itself. Website: www.brettchrest.com
Go to the profile of Shanna Loga
Shanna Loga
Multiracial Midwestern Mama | Multiniche — you never know what I’ll write about next (and neither do I) | She/her/hers | https://shannaloga.com/
Go to the profile of Wutz the Deals?
Wutz the Deals?
Singer, songwriter, writer, obsessive observer, producer of goings on
Go to the profile of Alex Andra
Alex Andra
I write about: Birth, Birth Trauma & Breastfeeding | Domestic Violence | Health & Fitness | Life | Mental Health | Motherhood | Love, Relationships & Sex
Go to the profile of OAO
A pediatrician, a wife, and mother of two boys, a believer, lover of books, and good music, who refuses to shop without a discount!
Go to the profile of Tracy Luk
Tracy Luk
Tokyo, Japan | INFP | Minimalist | Parent | Avid Reader | Seeker | Em Dash Lover | Never without a camera going with the flow with my kids in tow ♡
Go to the profile of Jen Ellis
Jen Ellis
Writer, data analyst, mother, skier and runner in no particular order. Blogging about writing at www.jenniferellis.ca
Go to the profile of Haley Perkins
Haley Perkins
Public School Psychology and History Teacher. Writer. Moved by people, nature, curiosity, and beauty. Writing to get the heck out of my comfort zone!
Go to the profile of Nicole Campbell
Nicole Campbell
Fan of complicated song lyrics and vivid sunsets who believes vulnerability matters.
Go to the profile of Rachel Lynn
Rachel Lynn
Turning mental chaos into cohesive writing. Untangling thoughts about chronic illness, mental health, parenting, and spirituality.
Go to the profile of Mike Linen
Mike Linen
Published on: The Startup, The Ascent, Family Matters, & Age of Awareness.
Go to the profile of Laura Mohsene
Laura Mohsene
Lover of Literature, History, Writing, and Life. lmohsene@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jessica Elkins
Jessica Elkins
Jessica is a published author who has ghostwritten two novels. She’s now a homeschooling, work-from-home mom of 3 who is trying to achieve a balance.
Go to the profile of Sabrina Sourjah
Sabrina Sourjah
Helping you overcome stress by addressing root causes vs managing stress, Coach, Free Class: https://calendly.com/sabrina-sourjah/lead-with-work-life-balance
Go to the profile of Jennifer Haubrich
Jennifer Haubrich
Finding the funny in relationships, parenting, life, and personifying inanimate objects. Contact: jenniferh@lumieremedia.com
Go to the profile of Emma Laver-Scott
Go to the profile of Sadie Bennet
Sadie Bennet
Child therapist turned stay-at-home mom. Talking about the real sh*t of motherhood and mental health.
Go to the profile of Tonte Bo Douglas
Go to the profile of Jasmine Jo
Jasmine Jo
Not certain any of this is real.
Go to the profile of Suzie Glassman
Suzie Glassman
Climbing Mt. Everest with a keyboard. https://bit.ly/3vEztLS to follow. suzieglassmancoach@gmail.com to chat.
Go to the profile of Miri https://www.worldofmiri.com/
Miri https://www.worldofmiri.com/
Author of “Heroes of the Quest - An Impossible Team”; blogger; seeker; proud mum; traveller; fan of great coffee, dark chocolate, whales, cats, and magic words
Go to the profile of Shelley Moore
Shelley Moore
Nutrition Nerd 🥑 Lifelong Learner 📚 Unschooler 🌱 Outdoor Enthusiast 🏞 Grateful Mama 👶🏻 World Traveler 🌍 Connector 🔗 — Join me! 💛🙏🏼✨☀️!
Go to the profile of Father of Five
Father of Five
Being a father of five girls definitely does not qualify me as an expert in parenting!
Go to the profile of Morgan P
Go to the profile of Aditi K
Aditi K
Sharing candid moments with research based information!
Go to the profile of Mikki Draggoo
Mikki Draggoo
Writing to cope. Avid traveler. Story lover. Children’s book author. Consultant. Mom of two. US & U.K. passport holder. Italian in a past life.
Go to the profile of Iggysprint
Iggysprint runs his own recruitment firm, servicing global VCs and Start-Ups in SEA. Tech adopter. Athlete. Entrepreneur. Dad of 2 pairs of twins via surrogacy
Go to the profile of Glenna Gill
Glenna Gill
My memoir, “When I Was Lost,” is available now. Owner of Memories Mastered publication. Writing here since 2018 and love it!
Go to the profile of Melissa-Jane Nguyen
Melissa-Jane Nguyen
Writer and editor. Writing about parenting, writing and life. Working on YA novel. Tea drinker. Book lover. Wife. Mother. https://melissajane.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Jenny Justice
Jenny Justice
Writer| Mom | Poet | Book Nerd | Teacher? | Brings Poetry to life with empathy, connection, joy, justice, and feeling. Poetry Fangirl
Go to the profile of Bebe Nicholson
Bebe Nicholson
Writer, editor, publisher, journalist, author, columnist, believer in enjoying my journey and helping other people enjoy theirs. bknicholson@att.net
Go to the profile of Nikki Kay
Nikki Kay
Words everywhere. Fiction, poetry, personal essays about parenting, mental health, and the intersection of the two. messymind.substack.com
Go to the profile of Emma Austin
Emma Austin
💜 Wholesome perv with a touch of whimsy 🖤 My podcast, spicy content, and more: https://www.loveemmaaustin.com/all-my-projects
Go to the profile of Leslie Wibberley
Leslie Wibberley
Physiotherapist/Proud mama/happy wife Storyteller, finding magic in the everyday world. Repped by the extraordinary Naomi Davis of Bookends Literary
Go to the profile of Kathy McClelland
Kathy McClelland
Dedicated to sharing hope and encouragement with fellow parents, especially those living with chronic illness or disability.
Go to the profile of Miun Gleeson
Miun Gleeson
www.miungleeson.com | my work really shines in group texts, though
Go to the profile of Jane Trombley
Jane Trombley
A pan-curious essayist working out what to do with "my one wild and precious life." Nicheless by design. janetrombley@gmail.com"
Go to the profile of Jessica Smith
Jessica Smith
Writer and mother. I write about whatever pops into my head. Relationships, Self, Mental Health, Parenting, Whatever. https://twitter.com/3282jessicah
Go to the profile of Melissa Wiley
Melissa Wiley
Author of The Nerviest Girl in the World & other books for kids. Insatiable reader, tidal homeschooler, obsessed stitcher. http://melissawiley.com/blog
Go to the profile of Shelly McIntosh
Shelly McIntosh
Writes about life and relationships. Cats feature prominently in her satire pieces.
Go to the profile of Darcy Reeder
Darcy Reeder
Empathy for the win! Published in Gen, Human Parts, Heated, Tenderly —Feminism, Sexuality, Veganism, Anti-Racism, Parenting. She/They
Go to the profile of Cheney Meaghan
Cheney Meaghan
Writer mom. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m doing it anyway. http://twitter.com/@cheney_meaghan
Go to the profile of Alex Tzelnic
Alex Tzelnic
Writer, PE teacher, mindfulness student, Zen practitioner.
Go to the profile of Gwenna Laithland
Gwenna Laithland
Blogger & Content Creator | mommacusses.com
Go to the profile of Amanda Ryan
Amanda Ryan
Hello Medium Community! I’m Amanda Ryan, a writer for child and family content. Check out my articles on Medium and my website: amandaryanblog.com.
Go to the profile of Sheila Sims
Sheila Sims
Public School Teacher working to shift the paradigm for how we raise and educate kids. Access support for families and educators at www.allofmecounts.com.
Go to the profile of Evie Gold
Evie Gold
Writer of personal essays. A sushi connoisseur. A nomad. www.eviegold.com
Go to the profile of Dani Mini
Dani Mini
Dani is a special education advocate and writer of anything worth pondering, from autism to Botox.
Go to the profile of Julie Sisnroy
Julie Sisnroy
Mom. Wife. Cancer Survivor. Veteran. Writer. Real Estate Agent. Helping others achieve their dreams. Find me at JulieSisnroy.com
Go to the profile of Justin Diamond
Justin Diamond
Day job: sports business; All-the-time job: dad.
Go to the profile of Miranda Dauphinee
Miranda Dauphinee
Widow | Mama | Story Teller | #Enneagram7 | Download a Kids Grief Journal here: https://www.mirandadauphinee.com/kids-grief-journal
Go to the profile of Eilidh Horder
Eilidh Horder
Just picking up pebbles and gazing out to sea...
Go to the profile of Sigourney Humus
Sigourney Humus
Parent of Three Medically Fragile Kids and Trans AF.
Go to the profile of Chloe Cuthbert
Chloe Cuthbert
Available for freelance writing projects — Contact: ccuthbertauthor@gmail.com /Posts may contain affiliate links.
Go to the profile of Sabrina Bryant
Sabrina Bryant
I'm a wife and mom struggling to find & become my best self. I share my struggles in hopes of helping myself and others in this growth process called life.
Go to the profile of Andrew Knott
Andrew Knott
Essayist, humorist, novelist. Dad of three. Editor of Frazzled. Debut novel LOVE'S A DISASTER (May 21, 2024, Bayou Wolf Press). Website: AndrewKnottAuthor.com
Go to the profile of Christina M. Ward
Christina M. Ward
✨WEBSITE: https://fiddleheadsnfloss.com/ ➡️ Bylines: LA Weekly | OK! Mag | Village Voice | Men's Journal | Vegamour | THS 📖Books available on Amazon
Go to the profile of Noemi McElearney
Noemi McElearney
I’m a Veteran’s wife and a blessed mom of 2. I write because that’s what I love to do. God Bless ❤️🙏
Go to the profile of Jennifer Sapio, PhD
Jennifer Sapio, PhD
Writer. Teacher. Human. Bylines: Sonder Midwest; The Write Launch; Raw Art Review; Chattahoochee Review, WSR, and E3W (forthcoming). contact:jennisapio.com
Go to the profile of Katie Knight
Katie Knight
Searching for the medicine in truth. www.shamanicwayfinding.com
Go to the profile of Lucy Morris
Lucy Morris
Sick of these lefty snowflakes? Then I think you might be lost.
Go to the profile of Aimée Brown Gramblin
Aimée Brown Gramblin
Age of Empathy founder. Creativity Fiend. Writer, Editor, Poet: life is art. Nature, Mental Health, Psychology, Art. Audio: aimeebrowngramblin.substack.com
Go to the profile of Adrienne Parkhurst
Adrienne Parkhurst
Mom. Wife. Writer. Editor. Healthcare Freelance Writer. Lifetime Learner. Flawed Leader. Sharing my life lessons through personal essays and memoirs.
Go to the profile of Kate Lynch
Kate Lynch
Mindfulness & yoga for parents of neurodivergent kids. Upcoming book: Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents. Subscribe to connect! healthyhappyyoga.com
Go to the profile of M B
A lover of stories — an observer and an active participant, I seek to live fully in beautiful moments.
Go to the profile of Amy Daniels
Amy Daniels
Writer, mom of two, one who had disabilities and complex medical issues due to a brain tumor. Memoir, Reaching For Normal, is available where books are sold.
Go to the profile of Kamarun Kalam BA SW/ BACP Acc
Kamarun Kalam BA SW/ BACP Acc
Hi I’m a Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Family Mediator, Author and Supervisor. To learn more visit www.talkwellcounselling.co.uk 😃
Go to the profile of Brian Relay
Brian Relay
Aspiring novelist/director/podcaster/spiritual guru/normal person
Go to the profile of Mindy Morgan Avitia
Mindy Morgan Avitia
Figuring out how to be a creative, a mom, and a good person at the same time.
Go to the profile of Mary DeVries
Mary DeVries
The older I get, the less I know. That won’t stop me from writing about everything and anything under the sun. Join me in delighting and despairing about life.
Go to the profile of Mandy Osterhaus Ream
Mandy Osterhaus Ream
Part-time professor. Full-time woman in middle age. Happiest in water. Her work can be found on mandyosterhausream.com.
Go to the profile of Erica Marta Ball
Erica Marta Ball
Studying humans. Info-dumping. Trying to put thoughts into words. https://linktr.ee/ericamartaball
Go to the profile of Laura DeMaisBerg
Laura DeMaisBerg
I write about seemingly mundane experiences that are relatable because we are human. Subscribe on Substack to get my stories directly: lauramc.sub-stack.com
Go to the profile of Shabaira Junaid
Shabaira Junaid
Writer. Book Enthusiast. Solitude Seeker
Go to the profile of Christina
Inspired by family; passionate about community. Doing what I can to make someone else's day a little brighter.
Go to the profile of Carrie Eccleston
Carrie Eccleston
Wife, Mother to two, lover of cats and the outdoors.
Go to the profile of Jenny Mundy-Castle
Jenny Mundy-Castle
Jenny Mundy-Castle is the author of Every Time I Didn’t Say No, her memoir inspired by educating high-trauma youth in New York, New Mexico, and Nigeria.
Go to the profile of Radhika Ghose
Radhika Ghose
Here to share stories…
Go to the profile of Deborah McNamara
Deborah McNamara
Sustainability & Climate Activist. Yoga Teacher. Author, Invitation of Motherhood: Uncovering the Spiritual Lessons of Parenting. More: www.debmcnamara.com
Go to the profile of Victoria Jane | Astrologer & Shadow Worker
Victoria Jane | Astrologer & Shadow Worker
Past Dietitian | Founder of Plutonian Soul Evolution | Using astrology & shadow work as a tool for self-awareness & personal development
Go to the profile of Allie
Founder of Play 2 Progress. Occupational therapist with a specialty in sensory integration. Book available for preorder now!
Go to the profile of Stacey B
Stacey B
Natural born healer. Holistic health therapist. Intuitive, empath sharing compassionate, creative stories offering perspective. Proud single mama to one.
Go to the profile of Darla
History, Tech, Finance, Parenting, Self-improvement.
Go to the profile of Jessyca Siracuse
Jessyca Siracuse
Creator of the blog Maximizing Mom Life
Go to the profile of Victoria Clare
Victoria Clare
Photographer; Teacher turned Home Educator; Introvert; Coffee addict; Book lover; List maker; Master project starter; Sporadic project finisher.
Go to the profile of Keri A. Johnson
Keri A. Johnson
Writer/Communication Coach/ESL teacher, INFJ, mama of 2, cat lover, ex expat in the Pacific NW. redtilewriting.com
Go to the profile of Blossom Menezes
Blossom Menezes
Coffee-addict, Writer, Senior Product Owner@enote.com, Dreamer, Full time Mom.
Go to the profile of S. G. S. Abel
S. G. S. Abel
Author of Pen to Paper about gratitude & the good in life. Parent, educator. sgsabel.substack.com and fromthepensnib.substack.com, IG @tinyteapottales
Go to the profile of Adrienne Scott
Adrienne Scott
I’m a mom who’s children and husband are her muses. I love writing about parenthood, relationships, tech, or whatever else I’m curious about.
Go to the profile of Sarah Courtney Burry
Sarah Courtney Burry
5X top writer. I love to use satire and humor. I write about travel, politics, family, feminism, sports, health & music. So, basically everything.
Go to the profile of Elle Silver
Elle Silver
I write about divorce, relationships, and family. Everything I’ve learned about love, I’ve learned the hard way. You can learn from my mistakes.
Go to the profile of Chris McQueen
Chris McQueen
Writer on Productivity and Life-Hack topics. Believer in the word of God. Get your motivation for the week: https://chris-mcqueen.ck.page
Go to the profile of Shannon McAlister
Shannon McAlister
Identity + Positive Parenting Coach empowering mamas to live an intentional life they love.
Go to the profile of Katrina Bos
Katrina Bos
Tantra teacher・Mathematician・Free-spirit・Mystic Heart・Author・Exploring this amazing world. For more details: katrinabos.ca
Go to the profile of Mari Sherret
Mari Sherret
Writing mostly about parenting and childbirth.
Go to the profile of Tim Schwartz
Tim Schwartz
I get joy from inspiring people, parenting my daughters & creative endeavors. I write to share my perspective & capitalize on my life experience. 🔎🤔
Go to the profile of Kristina God, MBA
Kristina God, MBA
Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Kelley A. Mussler
Kelley A. Mussler
I’m an exhausted parent, an American living in Ireland, an introverted bookworm and a tweeter of crappy haikus.
Go to the profile of Kerry McAvoy, PhD
Kerry McAvoy, PhD
Psychologist & Author of LOVE YOU MORE. Follow on Tiktok/IG for narcissistic abuse tips & advice. Email: hello@kerrymcavoyphd.com
Go to the profile of Erin Hendriksen
Erin Hendriksen
Editor of The Motherload. Top Writer in Parenting. Her BSc. and RRT designations led to a fulfilling NICU career prior to becoming a mother.
Go to the profile of Aimee Liu
Aimee Liu
Author, Asian-American novels (Glorious Boy), nonfiction on eating disorders (Gaining), writing, wellness. Published @Hachette. MFA & more@ aimeeliu.net
Go to the profile of Catherine Mancini
Catherine Mancini
Australian teacher, photographer, writer, mum and friend. Support my artwork on Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/CatherineStar/shop?asc=u
Go to the profile of Jamie D Stacey
Jamie D Stacey
Fitness | Parenting | Life | Father, personal trainer, yoga teacher, with a doctorate of philosophy. Sign up: https://medium.com/@staceyjamied/membership
Go to the profile of Unique You Books
Unique You Books
Creating highly personalized books for EVERY child! Coming soon to Kickstarter.
Go to the profile of Zada Kent
Zada Kent
Trans Advocate | Writer of LGBTQ & Parenting | Author of Horror Short Stories. www.ZadaKent.com | IG: zadakent
Go to the profile of Ashley Sole
Ashley Sole
Writing Leadership, Life and Money | Email me — ashley.sole@hotmail.com
Go to the profile of Ashley Broadwater
Ashley Broadwater
Freelance writer on multiple platforms. On Medium: writing tips + relationships. UNC-CH Journalism + Media. Newsletter + more: www.linktr.ee/ashleybroadwater
Go to the profile of Victoria-Marie
Linguist. Writer. Mum. Currently navigating life with intense sleep deprivation, and learning how to still do what I love - teaching and parenting.
Go to the profile of Nancy L. Chen
Nancy L. Chen
I write about the cross-section of skills, adulting, and parenting.
Go to the profile of Vineeta A
Vineeta A
One head. Many hats.
Go to the profile of Karen Schwartz
Karen Schwartz
Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.
Go to the profile of Jillian Enright
Jillian Enright
She/they. Neurodivergent, 20+ yrs SW & Psych. experience. I write about mental health, neurodiversity, education, and parenting. Founder of Neurodiversity MB.
Go to the profile of Geeta
Sending you sound bites about Personal Finance, Health and Becoming A Better Human | 15+Years in Finance | Physiology Undergrad | Self-Improvement Junkie 🇦🇺
Go to the profile of Lisa Dexter
Lisa Dexter
I am a freelance writer from the Chicago area. I have one awesome child, one sweet husband, one clingy cat, and one website: www.thinkingwhiletyping.com.
Go to the profile of Anne-Sophie Tomlin
Anne-Sophie Tomlin
Montessori practice made imperfect. Mother, teacher, lover of Buffy, Jilly Cooper and all the cheese
Go to the profile of MaryRose Denton
MaryRose Denton
Writer/Speaker/Advocate, Come join me as I make a life by doing something with total love & pure soul. maryrosedentonwriter.com or maryrosedenton8@gmail.com.
Go to the profile of Catherine Oceano
Catherine Oceano
old but not dead, mother, partner, grandmother, writer, Canadian Become a Medium member and support great writers like me.
Go to the profile of Mai Sharif
Mai Sharif
A writer in progress. I write to heal, process and explore.
Go to the profile of Kat Bee
Kat Bee
I’m a special eduction teacher committed to fitness and health. I write about parenting a teen, dating in my 40s, co-parenting and the teaching culture.
Go to the profile of Ali Burns
Ali Burns
Perfect parent, spouse, friend & hero. Writing about gender equality/stereotypes, parenting, dementia & creepy hotels. New to Medium. Follow @AliBurn08177858
Go to the profile of Nicci Kadilak
Nicci Kadilak
Writing about writing, motherhood and what it means to be a human in this messy world. niccisnotes.substack.com.
Go to the profile of Laura Marie
Laura Marie
38 going on 99. Giraffe aficionado and nap enthusiast. I write about mental health, books, baking, and other randoms. Publishing monthly-ish.
Go to the profile of Sylvia Emokpae
Sylvia Emokpae
Hustler by day, mother all the time. Inspired by normal life occurrences because, in hindsight, everything we do is interesting. Chocolate addict.
Go to the profile of Barbara Borzi
Barbara Borzi
Author of LIVING THE SKY LIFE, flight attendant, runner, lover of dogs, nature, reading, and travelling
Go to the profile of Rebecca A. Barrett
Rebecca A. Barrett
Listening for the heartbeat. Writing about life, relationships & personal growth. Editor for Garden of Neuro
Go to the profile of Shirley Chang
Shirley Chang
Reader, traveler, story-teller, home cook, crafter, swimmer, engineer, cancer caregiver supporter. https://shirleychangbooks.com/
Go to the profile of Russ Josephs
Russ Josephs
Writer, speaker, strategist and New Yorker in Asia www.russjosephs.com
Go to the profile of Dr Andrea Polzer
Dr Andrea Polzer
Psychotherapist. Organizational Psychologist. Mother. Awareness Raiser. Life Explorer => celebrating life as an exploration of possibilities and choices.
Go to the profile of Flora Resl
Go to the profile of Will Dennis
Will Dennis
Owner/operator of improv studio, UnScripted Productions and proud #girldad. Writing about parenting, improv, education and faith (and all combinations)
Go to the profile of Mych C.
Mych C.
Fan of simplicity, productivity enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Xu Xu, Ph.D.
Xu Xu, Ph.D.
Mom, wife, daughter, and university professor. Trained economist. Self-taught data science nerd. Transitioning into behavioral science with great enthusiasm.
Go to the profile of Rita Malone
Rita Malone
An honest take on parenting. Autism. Gender. Snippets of family life coloring outside the lines. I use aliases to protect my children’s identities.
Go to the profile of Michael McDonagh
Michael McDonagh
B.S. (Business Admin.); Juris. Doctor
Go to the profile of Aman Arora
Aman Arora
Helping us to live wholly, slowly, mindfuly, and sustainably. The aim is to make us whole humans. Musings and personal stories at loveunites.in
Go to the profile of Russell Lim
Russell Lim
I teach high school mathematics in Melbourne, Australia. I like thinking about interesting problems and learning new things.
Go to the profile of D. Almand
D. Almand
I am a parent with degrees in child develop & education. I am passionate about kids and mainly write about parenting & education. See you on my page!
Go to the profile of Brad Snyder
Brad Snyder
Essayist, humor writer, husband, and dad. More at https://bradmsnyder.com