Go to Feed Your Brain
Feed Your Brain
Explores the link between diet and mental health, and how food influences brain function. How what you eat can change the way you feel, sharpen your focus, and affect your memory.
Note from the editor

Exploring the link between diet and mental health

Go to the profile of Maria Cross
Maria Cross
MSc. Registered nutritionist, specialising in gut and mental health. OUT NOW! My new book, How to Feed Your Brain. mariacrossnutrition @mariacross
Go to the profile of Tim Rees
Tim Rees
Registered clinical nutritionist. At war with autoimmunity. Diets & tips on website. The Nutrition Chronicles (Substack). Meat eater. Tim-Rees.com
Go to the profile of Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Shin Jie Yong, MSc (Res)
Independent science writer and researcher | Named Standford's world top 1% scientists | Medium's boost nominator | Elite Powerlifter | Ghostwriter | Malaysian
Go to the profile of Laura Duffy
Laura Duffy
Graduate student. Food blogger. Nutritionist. Busy mom. Spreading hope by sharing all I’ve learned throughout my lifelong journey with depression & anxiety.
Go to the profile of Annette Miller
Annette Miller
Marketer, former founder, behavior therapist. Outgoing introvert, gardener, ultra-curious woman with ADHD. Love the word avuncular and park best in reverse.
Go to the profile of R. Meharich
R. Meharich
Moroccan Doctor, and dad of three. I write about health, inspiration, and small improvements that make life more fulfilling.