7 Meeting Agenda Templates for Cross-Functional Collaboration between Teams

Use these meeting templates to facilitate a cross-functional collaboration and synergies activities. Discuss the current projects, roadblocks and plans!

Fellow app
5 min readJul 24, 2023


Cross-functional collaboration has the potential to drive measurable change throughout your organization by sharing important information across teams.

Here are 7 meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow.app team to help your teams to collaborate cross-functionally and foster a culture of collaboration:

  1. Cross-functional Meeting Template
  2. Cross-functional Team Update Meeting Template
  3. Product Sync Meeting Template
  4. Daily Leadership Huddle Template
  5. Grain’s Bi-Weekly Customer Alignment Meeting Agenda Template
  6. Quarterly SMarketing (Sales & Marketing) Meeting Template
  7. Product and Design Sync Meeting Template

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates

Cross-functional Meeting Template

  • 🎯Goal Performance — Review our key metrics and goals as well as the progress made.
  • 🎉Wins — Celebrate successes by highlighting department wins.
  • 📣Announcements — Share any major announcements for the week ahead.
  • 🆙 Business Update — Provide a high-level business update to maintain a shared understanding of important information.
  • 🚀 Department Update — Ask each department to provide an update about significant progress on projects, future plans, or current roadblocks.
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? Are there any next steps?

Cross-functional Team Update Meeting Template

  • Celebration of company achievements🎉 — new product launches, funding goals, successful events, new clients, milestones met.
  • Roundtable🎤 — One individual from each team presents the talking points below for the rest of the team.
  • Progress on commitments — How did you (and your team) do on the plans you committed to last time?
  • Unexpected events — What came up that you didn’t anticipate?
  • Plans — What are you (and your team) working on next?
  • Problems — Where are you blocked and where do you need help
  • Personal — Is there anything non-work-related you’d like to share?

Product Sync Meeting Template

  • 🆕 Updates — List any updates the teams or departments need to know about.
  • 📝Cross-functional tasks — Discuss any cross-functional needs or tasks.m any of us? Or any cross-functional discussions?
  • 📅 Feature release schedule — Keep an up-to-date list of all of your features with their expected release date here. Don’t check them off until the features are live so that they carry forward from week to week.
  • ⭐️Insights — Add any major insights from customers here (From CS team or from Product Customer Interviews).
  • 📈Data insights — Add any noteworthy insights from analytics data here.
  • Questions — Add any questions to discuss as a team here.

Daily Leadership Huddle Template

  • Plans for the Day📌 — Top priority activities for each leader.
  • ⛔️ Issues — Is your team stuck or blocked? How can we help?
  • 💡 Learnings — Any new insights that may benefit other teams?

Grain’s Bi-Weekly Customer Alignment Meeting Agenda Template

  • 🤝 Set the tone [5 min]: Review the themes for today’s meeting and get initial thoughts from Product, Engineering, and Design teams.
  • 🎬 Voice the customer story [35 min]: Ask the customer facing teams to pull a compilation of clips from customer calls. Then, watch the voice of the customer story as a team. Discuss the requests and feedback as a team.
  • ✅ Next steps [5 min]: Agree on action items and assign them to different teams to tackle in the next product cycle.

Quarterly SMarketing (Sales & Marketing) Meeting Template

  • ⛔️ Problems: What problems are we currently facing with our goals for the quarter?
  • 💡 Solution Brainstorm: What are possible solutions to the problems we identified?
  • ✅ Action Items: What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Product and Design Sync Meeting Template

  • ✔️ Review action items: Review outstanding action items from the previous meetings.
  • ❗️Priorities: What is time of mind for everyone on the team? List each team member as subheadings
  • 🛑 Roadblocks: List any roadblocks that the team is facing.
  • ⏭ Upcoming PRD: List any upcoming product requirements document that we will need to consider.
  • 🆕 Product ideas: Discuss new product ideas
  • ✅ Action items: What came out of this meeting?

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out these other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. In Fellow, the free templates are 100% customizable! Each person can add to and collaborate on the agenda. Plus Fellow has built-in automations to automate some aspects of your meeting workflow.



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