Today’s drabble word is: shun
Today’s random word is hairy, and we had to write two or more lines of rhyming poetry.
Hairy is today’s random word and a rhyming poem must be included.
Today’s random word is hairy; twist: a poem that rhymes
Drabble | Fiction Shorts | Police
The word is hairy, and the twist is to include a poem.
Today’s random drabble word is Hairy
Random Drabble #222 — “Hairy” with a…
The random word of day 222 is ‘hairy’ with a twist
Today’s random word is Hairy and the Twist is to include a poem that rhymes.
A Drabble is 100 words. NO more, NO less. Please stay awhile and clap or respond…
Today’s random word is Hairy. The twist: Include a…
August 9’s random word is…
Today’s random word…
Today’s word is hairy and the twist is to involve a poem that can be as short as two lines or as long as 100 words