<Day 1> Figuring out what I want to do in life.

Sheldon Cooper
Renaissance Human
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2021

After a 13 day hiatus

In quest of figuring out what I want to do in life, I’ve decided to learn and explore seven skills everyday.

This post is part of my Re Human project, in which I copied from Valentin.

I’ve already done four days of this project however I was dissatisfied by my inconsistencies so I wrote in this post that I’ll start over! Feeling renewed, as if baptised, I am back for Day 1 and the grind.

Going Through The Motions

Coding: Finally found a nice site to learn coding as a beginner! HackerRank


Didn’t do this today however this was one of the first time I ran on track for a long time. Quite slow but I have no interest in watching videos about improving speed haha.


Graphic Design/ Growth Hacking:

Created my design portfolio on Notion. Will probably post an article about that soon too.


This was absolutely an unintuitive game.


Submitted my math psets on time which I’m extremely happy about.


My article recently got featured in HackerNoon!

Thanks for reading! :) If you enjoyed this article, hold the clap 👏 button for a couple of seconds to show it some love. This way, more people will be able to find and benefit from these articles (from Cliff).

If you liked this article, you might enjoy the previous days too —see: Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3

