Middle Management

In our first episode of OverTime we sit down with Rob Alderson, VP Content at Wetransfer. Rob started his career in journalism and really ‘fell’ into his first management role. He shares with us the lessons he’s learned from day 1 to managing a one person team to now, where he’s responsible for a…

Public Speaking for Beginners

I was recently asked by Denise Graveline, a Public Speaking coach, to do a Q&A and share my insights on public speaking for first timers. Read the original article on her…

Navigating Middle Management; Stuck in the Middle with Who?

Last week we launched the first episode of our #OverTime podcast series, which is now available on iTunes.

The main aim of Overtime is to help with the feeling of isolation that many managers face when…

OverTime Leader
OverTime Leader
Leaders aren’t made overnight they are made overtime. We aim to inspire and enable managers to lead their teams for the future of work.
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