Over the past year, I and the folks at RJMetrics have had the opportunity to observe, and participate in, a significant evolution of the analytics ecosystem. The center of gravity in mature analytics organizations has shifted away from proprietary, end-to-end tools…
dbt (data build tool) is a command line tool that enables data analysts and engineers to transform data in their…
Last week, Fishtown Analytics turned three years old. This is an exciting milestone for us, and our journey to-date is best summarized by a graph that you may have seen before:
Holy crap! Within the past week we’ve seen the acquisitions of the two biggest players in the modern BI landscape, Looker (announcement) and Tableau (announcement). And if you broaden your view to the entire analytics tech stack, it’s bigger: here…
You’ve heard of Product-Market Fit. PMF has become common parlance within startup culture. It has even spawned similar terms, my favorite of which is founder-market fit—you get the idea.
Your startup is full of lots of “fits”. This is called strategy—making lots of…