Top Stories published by Flicker Fusion in 2015

Lessons From Instant Articles

Instead of merely waiting for Facebook to deliver Instant Articles to everyone, it’s worth looking for some insights from last week’s launch.

Foremost, it’s always nice to be reminded that performance matters. Page load time has, of course, always…

Slack 2.0

Slack just capped a pretty flawless year by announcing a new platform, an iteration on existing APIs for building bots and integrations. Now, there’s a curated app directory, improved and simplified documentation, a new open source framework, and an $80 million fund aimed at developers to build even more…

PGP comes to Facebook

The Committee to Project Journalist notes it is now possible to attach a PGP key to one’s Facebook profile. This is another in a series of steps Facebook has taken recently to secure its networks, from HTTPS at every endpoint to enabling connections via Tor. The PGP feature lets anyone add…

What ‘What is Code’ is is a Masterpiece

Paul Ford’s incredible What is Code is one of those magazine pieces we’re going to remember as a master of the form. Yes, it’s a business magazine talking about how computers work, but like Gay Talese profiling Frank Sinatra, Hunter S. Thompson crashing the…

Small Tools

Talk of the tools of the modern media company invariably leads to technology stacks. These will include reverent nods to Vox Media’s Chorus, Quartz hacking Wordpress beyond the reach of mere mortals, or BuzzFeed’s voodoo for conjuring virality out of the ether. These are great and truly valuable for…

Twitter’s Value

Chris Sacca’s ever hopeful What Twitter Could Be is quite a read. Too long and often meandering, it nevertheless shows how deeply he thinks about every aspect of Twitter as a product and a business. I like to imagine a hush fell over Twitter HQ as the entire staff took the time to read then re-read…

Blocking ad-blockers with better ads

Two stories about ad blocking almost make a trend. European telecoms want to build ad-blocking into their networks via proxies that would halt most banner-type ads by default. And Adblock Plus has built a standalone Firefox-based browser for Android that would…

These were the top 10 stories published by Flicker Fusion in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Flicker Fusion
An irregularly published review of media and technology written by Jim Ray.
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