Top Stories published by Flicker Fusion in May of 2015

Lessons From Instant Articles

Instead of merely waiting for Facebook to deliver Instant Articles to everyone, it’s worth looking for some insights from last week’s launch.

Foremost, it’s always nice to be reminded that performance matters. Page load time has, of course, always…

Small Tools

Talk of the tools of the modern media company invariably leads to technology stacks. These will include reverent nods to Vox Media’s Chorus, Quartz hacking Wordpress beyond the reach of mere mortals, or BuzzFeed’s voodoo for conjuring virality out of the ether. These are great and truly valuable for…

Blocking ad-blockers with better ads

Two stories about ad blocking almost make a trend. European telecoms want to build ad-blocking into their networks via proxies that would halt most banner-type ads by default. And Adblock Plus has built a standalone Firefox-based browser for Android that would…

Ad-block Redux

Frédéric Filloux, who writes an excellent, long-running column at Monday Note, was also thinking about Ad-blockers recently and has a much more dire set of predictions. Filloux has seen an as-yet-unpublished report that says ad-block usage is as high as 30–40% in France and Germany, and sites with…

Flicker Fusion
An irregularly published review of media and technology written by Jim Ray.
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