Go to Flippin Obvious
Flippin Obvious
Flippin Obvious is better than flippin burgers or flippin houses, or stories of mergers or the last victim on the street. This is where current affairs, the broken media and the classical, meet.
Note from the editor

Flippin Obvious is teasing the Gordian Knot of our connected crises and leaving the thread connecting them with humor, light heartedness, anger and analysis of language, money, ecology, media, politics with loving kindness.

Go to the profile of Cynthia Stillman Gerdes
Cynthia Stillman Gerdes
Classical composer, writer, goosey anti-fascist, who plays cheeky slapface with Flippin’ Obvious
Go to the profile of Patrick Story
Patrick Story
Retired teacher
Go to the profile of David Chinook Bean
David Chinook Bean
Digs Environmental and Monetary sanity, Politics when talking with the Other guy, Gregory Bateson- mentor, CO, Edits Flippin Obvious. davidchinookbean@gmail.com