FlutterVN newsletter #6

Bui Minh Triet
Published in
8 min readDec 4, 2019
FlutterVN weekly newsletter by FlutterVN — Flutter Vietnam developer — http://fluttervn.com/ — #FlutterVnNewsletter #Flutter

Flutter Interact event next week; automate CI/CD in Github, Gitlab, CodeMagic; 10 helpful tools for Flutter; and more…



  • ColorFiltered (Flutter Widget of the Week): It’s easy to play around with color in Flutter widgets, and not just by modifying a color parameter. Check out the ColorFiltered widget, which lets you change and morph colors in weird and wonderful ways!





  • iPod Classic UI with Flutter: Build a throwback UI inspired by the iPod Classic, featuring a click wheel scroller that can detect circular motion with an animated PageView.


  • Bloc Test Tutorial — Easier Way to Test Blocs in Dart & Flutter: Blocs are meant to hold logic and, as proper programmers, we should probably write some tests to verify whether or not the logic is correct. If you follow test-driven development, writing tests is even more crucial. There’s one problem though — testing Blocs requires a lot of boilerplate. The bloc_test package sets out to solve this issue by providing abstractions even for testing! No more dealing with classic Streams.


Libraries and repositories

  • flutter/plugins/share: A Flutter plugin to share content from your Flutter app via the platform’s share dialog
  • flutter/plugins/battery: A Flutter plugin to access various information about the battery of the device the app is running on
  • nashfive/phone_number: A Flutter plugin to help you parse and validate phone numbers, using libphonenumber for Android and PhoneNumberKit for iOS.
  • BendixMa/sliding-sheet: A widget that can be dragged and scrolled in a single gesture and snapped to a list of extents.


  • The first Flutter worldwide event — Flutter Interact — will be held on next week (Dec 11th, 2019).

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