Transformative Storytelling

I regularly teach a Transformative Storytelling workshop organized by BeSocialChange at the Centre for Social Innovation in New York City. I wrote this post as a resource for former and prospective students, as well as anybody else interested in the subject matter. You will find…

The Social Good Guides have launched!

These free guides (donations welcome) were created for ‎startups‬, social enterprises, ‎non-profits‬ and anyone in the…

Designer as Method Actor and Translator

I recently learned about Pentagram partner Michael Bierut’s “method acting” approach to design in a FastCoDesign interview (via 99U). I can relate to this approach in my own practice.

FoossaPod: Regina Davis Moss on Wonder Woman’s Black Twin Sister and Inclusion in Media and Health

What does Wonder Woman’s long lost Black twin sister have to do with inclusion in the media and in public health?

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