The 6 Essential Reasons People Rally Behind You as an Entrepreneur

Here’s a simpler blueprint you can follow.

Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator


Fireyourself. Wayne Mullins. Leadership
Photo: Elimende Inagella via Unsplash

In the grand tapestry of entrepreneurship, there’s an underrated thread that often goes unnoticed — leadership.

As budding agency owners, most of us are enamored by client acquisition strategies, ROI metrics, and revenue streams.

But here’s a simple truth — Your agency will plateau if you don’t lead well.

Now, let’s get real. Why do people follow others?

It’s a fundamental question, and understanding its nuances can redefine your journey as an agency owner.

There are six core reasons people become followers. Some are, honestly, better than others.

So, let’s dive in.

1. Domination — The Rule of Fear

Did you know that more than 70% of employees who quit their jobs do so because of their managers, not the job itself? It’s a startling testament to the impact of leadership styles on team dynamics.

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” — Simon Sinek

Domination as a leadership approach mirrors the law of the jungle. The strongest, most intimidating individual rules.

Picture this: a lion leading its pride, not through respect, but through fear. Translated into the business world, this is the boss who barks orders, expecting immediate obedience without question.

Their mantra? “My way or the highway.”

But here’s the twist. While it might seem like such an approach garners results in the short run, it’s a slow poison eroding team morale.

Employees working under a dominative leader are often like coiled springs, compressed and waiting for the opportunity to bounce away.

The common misconception is, “If I show my authority, my team will respect and listen to me more.”

The reality is that respect is earned, not demanded.

A team might listen out of fear, but they won’t truly respect or be loyal to a leader who uses domination as their primary tool.

Here are some practical steps to shift away from dominant leadership:

  • Open the Floor to Feedback — Initiate regular check-ins with your team. Hear their grievances, suggestions, and feedback. Create a safe environment for open dialogue.
  • Invest in Team Building — Activities that foster trust and camaraderie can help reduce the perceived gap between a leader and the team.
  • Re-Evaluate Your Goals — Sometimes, the pressure to meet targets can inadvertently lead to a dominative approach. Take a step back, reassess, and see if there’s a way to achieve results without instilling fear.

So, are you pushing your team to the edge with your dominating ways, or are you guiding them toward a shared vision of success? The choice is yours.

But always remember, a team driven by fear won’t be with you during tough times. A team driven by respect, understanding, and a shared mission? They’ll stick with you through thick and thin.

Which team do you want to lead?

2. Rank — Do Titles Truly Define Leadership or Just Decorate Business Cards?

Here’s a jaw-dropping fact: Over 50% of employees don’t think their company’s leadership delivers on their promises.

It’s evident that leadership is more than just a title.

But how much does rank play a role in this?

“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

In the world of business, rank often dictates the flow of commands. The top-tier executives make decisions and expect their subordinates to execute them, no questions asked.

This hierarchical structure, reminiscent of military ranks or monarchies, has employees looking up to those with impressive titles, assuming their superior knowledge and decision-making abilities.

Consider this; a Vice President instructs a junior employee on a particular task. While the employee might have a better solution in mind, they stay silent, deferring to the VP’s rank.

Herein lies the conundrum. Rank-based leadership can stifle innovation, as employees might be reluctant to voice opinions, fearing backlash from their “superiors”.

Many people think, “Higher rank means better ideas and superior knowledge.

But the truth is, A title might signify experience, but it doesn’t always correlate with the best ideas or solutions.

Diversity in thought often comes from individuals at various levels.

Here are some practical tips for leaders venturing into the complex world of rank.

  • Foster a Culture of Openness — Encourage team members, regardless of their rank, to share ideas. You might be surprised at the fresh perspectives a new hire can bring.
  • Regularly Rotate Teams — By having senior executives work on ground-level projects and junior members participate in high-level meetings, you break the monotony and hierarchy, promoting a holistic understanding of the company.
  • Lead by Example — Just because you have a higher rank doesn’t mean you can’t roll up your sleeves and delve into the nitty-gritty of a project. It not only shows you’re hands-on but also makes you more approachable.

So, as you climb the corporate ladder, earning new titles and accolades, pose this challenging question to yourself: Are you leading by rank or by example?

Because, at the end of the day, leadership isn’t about how many salutes you receive, but about how many hands are willingly raised to help you steer the ship.

Which captain do you aspire to be?

3. Expertise — Is Being the Best Today Enough for Tomorrow?

“Expertise is not a static condition but a lifelong journey.” — Lailah Gifty Akita

There’s magic in being the sought-after expert, isn’t there? The trust we place in our doctors, the respect we give to astute lawyers, the admiration for insightful teachers — that’s the pull of expertise.

Now, imagine that in the agency world. When you’re top-notch at what you do, your team gazes up, inspired and eager.

But here’s the catch: In the ever-evolving arena of business, resting on laurels isn’t an option. Today’s groundbreaking knowledge might be yesterday’s news tomorrow.

Think of expertise as a horizon, always there but constantly shifting, challenging you at every step. The burning question then is, are you up for that chase?

Your expertise is more than just a badge; it’s a promise — a commitment to relentless learning, adapting, and staying ahead.

So, as you stand tall with all eyes on you, remember: the dance with expertise isn’t a one-time performance. It’s an ongoing waltz, filled with grace, agility, and constant evolution.

Are you lacing up your shoes and ready for the next dance? Because expertise, dear leader, waits for no one.

4. Power — A Stepping Stone or a Stumbling Block in Leadership?

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” — Abraham Lincoln

In the vast realm of leadership, power is both alluring and elusive. While some equate it with influence, others perceive it as an unyielding grip on control.

It’s a magnetic force that draws people in, holding the promise of advantages, perks, and unparalleled influence.

Imagine a CEO with extensive connections in the industry. Start-ups might rush to pitch their ideas, not because they believe in the CEO’s expertise, but because they recognize the doors that could be opened through the CEO’s powerful network.

On the surface, it appears beneficial, but delve deeper, and you realize this relationship is based more on what the powerful figure can offer than genuine respect or shared vision.

What most people get wrong is the belief that “Power ensures loyalty from followers.”

But the reality is that followers might align with powerful leaders to reap short-term benefits, but genuine loyalty can’t be bought with power.

It’s earned through trust, respect, and shared purpose.

So, as a leader, here’s a challenging question for reflection; Are you wielding your power to control or to empower?

Authentic leadership doesn’t lie in how many people you command but in how many you inspire and uplift. In the grand theater of power play, which role are you choosing — the tyrant or the mentor?

5. Mission — Is Your Leadership Just About Goals or Something Greater?

In a landscape where 79% of employees feel that they are working for a company with a high sense of purpose, establishing a mission-driven leadership approach can no longer be an afterthought.

But what really sets the mission apart in the leadership style mosaic?

Mission-centric leadership stands tall as the beacon that ignites passion and sparks that much-needed flame of purpose in a team. It goes beyond the mundane tasks and targets.

Here, the leader doesn’t just assign tasks; they instill a vision, cultivating a garden where everyone sees the larger picture, the grand narrative that they are contributing to.

Imagine a leader illustrating not just the “how” but the vibrant, colorful “why” behind every endeavor, painting the canvas of a world that every team member is eager to realize through their collective efforts.

In today’s corporate world, a clear, compelling mission is no longer a luxury but a requirement.

It’s the heartbeat of an organization, driving individuals to commit, engage, and strive toward a common goal with a shared sense of purpose and responsibility.

So, Are your team members waking up each day fueled by a mission, knowing that their work contributes to a larger purpose, or are they just clocking in hours?

Delve deeper with these tips:

  • Clarify Your Mission — It isn’t enough to have a mission; it needs to be clearly articulated and integrated into every aspect of your organization. Consider organizing workshops to delve deep and build your mission collaboratively.
  • Personal Connection — Help your team find individual connections to the mission. Everyone should see themselves in that big picture, understanding the indispensable role they play.
  • Celebrate Milestones — Recognize and celebrate when key mission milestones are achieved. It reaffirms the shared purpose and fosters a stronger bond among the team.
  • Open Dialogue — Encourage team members to share their perspectives on the mission, nurturing a rich, collaborative environment where everyone feels seen and heard.

Remember, when you champion a cause and lead with a mission, you don’t just have employees; you have crusaders passionately marching alongside you, fueled by a shared dream and a drive to make it a reality.

It’s time to shift from mere leadership to mission-driven mentorship. Are you ready to take that step?

6. Role Model — Are You Leaving Footprints for Others to Follow or Just Shadows to Walk In?

“To lead people, walk behind them.” — Lao Tzu

Have you ever stopped to wonder why certain figures, despite the passage of time, remain etched in our collective consciousness?

It’s not always about their groundbreaking achievements or the heights they reached.

More often, it’s about the footprints of integrity, humility, and genuine care they left behind. This is the mark of a true role model.

Being a role model isn’t just about being at the top of your game. It’s about lifting others as you rise, embodying values that resonate deeply, and living in a way that lights up the path for those who follow.

“But If I’m at the top of my game, I’m automatically a role model.”

Wrong! While expertise can put you in the spotlight, it’s your character and integrity that determine whether you truly shine and inspire.

Excellence gets you noticed, but it’s empathy, perseverance, and humility that make you unforgettable.

Here’s a little food for thought; How do you wish to be remembered? As someone who was excellent at what they did, or as someone who, through their actions, inspired excellence in others?

As you sculpt your leadership narrative, dig deep. Beyond accolades and achievements, are you nurturing a legacy of genuine positive influence?

Are you just leading the charge, or are you taking the time to ensure every member of your tribe feels valued, heard, and inspired?

Because, at the end of the day, a true role model doesn’t just set the bar for excellence — they become the bar.

So, which will it be for you: fleeting recognition or enduring reverence? The choice, as always, lies in your hands.

Bottom line:

Take a moment and reflect. Go on, genuinely —

  • Which type of leader are you right now?
  • How would your team describe your leadership style?
  • And, importantly, where do you want to be on this list?

Launching an agency is more than a simple business endeavor. It’s a dynamic dance between vision, strategy, and leadership.

As you charter the sometimes unpredictable waters of entrepreneurship, the beacon guiding your ship is the way you lead.

Your leadership style will determine not only the direction in which your agency moves but also the pace and passion with which it advances.

Let’s ask ourselves: Do we want teams that merely ‘do their jobs’ or squads that rally behind a shared mission, striving for excellence every step of the way?

In the grand story of your agency, ensure that leadership isn’t just a chapter but the very theme that threads every narrative together.

After all, a flourishing agency isn’t just about the right clients but about the right culture. So, what legacy of leadership will you choose to leave?

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Peace & love,

Wayne Mullins



Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉