Go to Gap Year Stories
Gap Year Stories
Sharing the stories & experiences that will change our lives forever.
Note from the editor

Deferring. Gap years. Internships. Travel. Now more than ever, students are empowered to take control of their own education. As the world changes, our expectations for education are changing, too — and students are looking for fresh ways to discover their interests, have unique experiences, and shape their own paths to learning. Gap Year Stories shares the experiences of students who have taken gap years in their own words, giving them a place to share narratives of learning outside the conventional classroom.

Go to the profile of Rainesford Stauffer
Rainesford Stauffer
Author of An Ordinary Age, out 5/4/2021. Freelance writer. Kentuckian.
Go to the profile of Chris Topher Kelly
Chris Topher Kelly
Lifelong learner.Globetrotter. Avid fan of sports, cultural faux pas, critical thoughts on paper, Bill Murray, and 90s music.
Go to the profile of GapYearStories
Go to the profile of Julia McKellar
Julia McKellar
teller of stories 📚 designer of things 🎨 dreamer of futures 🔮 Follow me @LongLegsAndHair