Coronavirus Special

Mark Kelly
Grab a Slice
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3 min readJun 10, 2020

A big welcome back to readers of this occasional series of updates, and a reminder that if there is a “view in browser” option at the foot of this new format of newsletter, that might be your best bet to see the embedded articles.

New Joiners

Thank you to all of the readers who have subscribed to our little corner of Medium. We are knocking on the door of 200 subscribers now, but I couldn’t wait any longer so decided to mark the occasion in advance.

Equally, I have been delighted to welcome a number of new writers to the club, all of whom are introduced below.

Marie T Smith is active on so many publications that I was delighted she chose to send some contributions our way, including this timely commentary on the Space-X mission.

Theo Sheppard, best known for his own Thoughts publication, stopped by to share some commentary on popular culture. Hope to see you back again soon, Theo.

An eclectic mix of poetry and slice of life observations is on offer from Keta Nachi, one of our newest contributors. Do please check out his feed, as well as this intriguing, heart-on-sleeve love letter.

And finally, I was delighted to welcome the wit and wisdom of John O'Neill, none other than the paterfamilias of the O’Neill clan so familiar to Grab a Slice fans. I find myself completely in tune with his observations and whimsy.

In Conclusion

I’ll keep these newsletters sporadic, as I don’t wish to spam your inboxes. But do feel free to contact me direct at should you wish to be added as a writer, or just to have a chat.

Meanwhile, please stay safe, writers please appreciate your fellow writers, and thanks again for all of your support in making this publication a success!



Mark Kelly
Grab a Slice

Writing about family, trading, spirituality and popular culture. Speculating in my fiction and investments. Made more mistakes than I’m admitting here.