Top Stories published by Hackdiary in 2004

Planet RDF as a starting-point for semantic web crawling

I was thinking about scuttering and useful ways to gather information. It occurred to me that as well as following rdfs:seeAlso links as usual, it was worth scanning associated HTML for semantic links (eg FOAF autodiscovery…

Revoking a GPG key

A couple of months ago, I lost my lovely laptop in a burglary. This weekend, Edd reminded me that my GPG private key was on the machine, so I performed the necessary rituals to revoke it. I found the documentation on this a little sparse, so here are the steps I took.

Taking automated webpage screenshots with embedded Mozilla

The other day I discovered Hotlinks, a rather nice link aggregator. It collects links from sites (including those of a couple of my respected colleagues) and combines them into a good-looking summary page. I particularly like the…

More notes on installing Debian on a Dell Latitude X200

Last year I bought a Dell Latitude X200 laptop, which was a wonderful machine. In October it was stolen from my flat in a break-in. I made do with a refurbished HP Omnibook 500 but I wasn’t happy with it. When a 2nd-hand X200 came up…

Source distribution for Chumpologica now available

Now available: the first source distribution of Chumpologica, the system behind Planet RDF and the Daily Chump Chumpologica.

Although source for an earlier version was previously available, this new version 1.0…

Crawling the Semantic Web

I’ve had a proposal for a paper accepted for XML Europe 2004. Yay! Looking forward to meeting lots of old friends and making new ones in Amsterdam in April. Let me know if you’re going to be there. Here’s what I submitted:

python for perl programmers

Tomorrow I’m giving a talk at the rather wonderful London Perl Workshop. I’ve worked with quite a few languages in my time, including about 4 years or so of writing mostly perl. These days I write in python when I have a choice, so I’m going to give an introduction to python for…

Moyles-proof code

While the rest of the UK was enjoying a Good Friday lie-in, I dragged myself into Yalding House (home of BBC Radio 1) at 7.30am. I was there to see our new text message system get its first live broadcast use on the Chris Moyles show in a preview of the Ten Hour Takeover.

These were the top 10 stories published by Hackdiary in 2004. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2004 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

A diary of hacks by Matt Biddulph
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