Top Stories published by Hackdiary in April of 2004

More notes on installing Debian on a Dell Latitude X200

Last year I bought a Dell Latitude X200 laptop, which was a wonderful machine. In October it was stolen from my flat in a break-in. I made do with a refurbished HP Omnibook 500 but I wasn’t happy with it. When a 2nd-hand X200 came up…

Moyles-proof code

While the rest of the UK was enjoying a Good Friday lie-in, I dragged myself into Yalding House (home of BBC Radio 1) at 7.30am. I was there to see our new text message system get its first live broadcast use on the Chris Moyles show in a preview of the Ten Hour Takeover.

XML Europe is nearly here

I’m off to XML Europe in a couple of weeks (better get in quick if you’re thinking of going, registration closes April 9th). I’ve been looking at the schedule, which has lots of semantic web goodness in it, and thinking about what talks I’m going to go to. Here’s my list so far

A diary of hacks by Matt Biddulph
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