You are already unique. Just be better.

Jim Washok
Half Full of Something
3 min readAug 14, 2017
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Be uniquely better!

Three words that are likely the best summarization of nearly all business and personal success books, blogs, podcasts, webinars and conferences. Differing in only how, with what, when, etc. But, offering the same advice.

Be uniquely better!

We are already unique. Born at different times. Part of a variety of family demographics and personalities. Raised within a wide spectrum of socioeconomic circumstances. Educated in a plethora of subject areas, languages, and life experiences.

We all have a unique story to tell, unique skills to offer, and a unique point of view to guide what, how, and why we can add value to the world.

Like snowflakes, no two of us are alike. So, with half of the equation necessary to achieve success already in the bag, we just need to be better.

Naturally, you may be thinking better than the competition. And, sure there is nothing wrong with competing done respectfully of our opponent(s). But, the better achievement is being better than ourselves.

When we push ourselves to just do it, whatever IT is, a bit more than yesterday, we become uniquely better.

Work better.

Love better.

Play better.

Eat better.

Exercise better.

Sleep better.

Serve better.

Lead better.

Create better.

Practice better.

Today better than yesterday.

Tomorrow better than today.

Your better may not yet be your best. It certainly does not need to be perfect. It doesn’t need a master plan to achieve. It also does not require being wealthy, degreed, and famous. It simply necessitates pursuit of that which is a bit better than the last time.

You have likely heard the joke of not needing to outrun a charging bear but rather the slowest person also running away. Imagine that other person as you. Can you outrun yourself today?

Steve Jobs once answered an interview question about Apple’s competition, and I’m paraphrasing, “Our number one competitor is the product we just released.”

What can you improve on right now?

What long range plan can you take another step towards today?

What project or goal do you keep putting off that you can initiate before you go to bed?

What one action can you make today to improve your health? A relationship? Your education? Your community?

And, what can you toss out of your day, your life, your task list that stands in the way of you being uniquely better?

What are all the options and habits you can say NO to so you have the margin in your day to say YES to being uniquely better today than you were yesterday…and set up to be even more uniquely better tomorrow?

What one friend, family member or co-worker desires to be uniquely better that you can share this with? If this will help them, share the love right now.

Be better, you’re already unique! Then, share yourself with the world!



Jim Washok
Half Full of Something

Lucky husband to a beauty & dad of 3 awesome “kids.” Obsessed with data & customer experience. Youth leader. Jesus disciple. #everyonematters #rethinkmarketing