Top Stories published by Hi.Stamen in 2009

Flickr Clock is Live

Our friends at Flickr (“almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world”) have launched Stamen’s new project with them, Flickr Clock. It’s a browser for the videos that people have recently started uploading to the site. They’re arranged…

Lower Manhattan as one big parking lot

Our old pal (and semi-recent collaborator) Mike Frumin has been doing some really interesting work on transportation statistics for the City of New York, and his most recent blog post is no exception. It’s about how many extra roads and parking lots you’d need…

Movin’ On Up

Well, it’s been a few years since I’ve needed to kick a coconut into all the corners of a new space (to absorb any potential bad juju, naturally) before moving in, but: here we go again!

USAID maps used in Afghanistan election coverage

Stamen partner Mike Migurski wrote a few days ago about his experience running around on desert military bases, teaching the Army how to use Walking Papers in Afghanistan after an earthquake. It looks like that effort is paying off, in the form…

Stamen on MTV

I’ve been camped out on 51st Street next to Radio City Music Hall for the last two days with people from Twitter,Radian6, and MTV for the past two days (and nights), and we’re on deadline for tonight so a more complete post on this will have to wait, but in the meantime, there’s this to consider (from…

Crimespotting in the Guardian

We learned today that San Francisco Crimespotting was featured in today’s Guardian, which is nice! Esopus was kind enough to send a link to an online viewer, and Zapme’s offered to send us a copy, and the article below that one is about how London’s talking about doing the…

These were the top 10 stories published by Hi.Stamen in 2009. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2009 by using the calendar at the top of this page.