Tip 40: Pros and Cons of Custom Fields and Tags

Chris Gallo
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2017

If Highrise is a Swiss Army Knife to keep up with your contacts; tags and custom fields are the two most import tools of that knife. Both provide options to segment or categorize your contacts, and track important context to create a better relationship with the people that matter to you.

But this brings up an important question:

Why should I use a custom field instead of a tag? Or a tag instead of a custom field?

The best answer here is a question. What are you looking to accomplish?

While tags and custom fields are similar, there are advantages and disadvantages to both. Let’s cover these in more detail.

Pros of using tags

Pros of using custom fields

  • store unique values for contacts (customer id, account number, etc.)
  • more secure, only the account owner and admins can add custom fields
  • option to add select pre-defined values for data integrity, allows for sub-categories
  • filter options include OR functionality (filter by contacts with customer id: 123 or has requested demo: yes

Cons of using tags

  • harder to restore, any user can delete/edit/remove tags
  • no defined options, spelling mistakes or incorrect tags can be created
  • too general, the more tags in your account, the harder it is to manage them
  • only and functionality when filtering, there is a workaround

Cons of using custom fields

  • no option to track activity off a custom field alone
  • it’s a chore to update custom field values, it can be done in bulk through an export and import
  • less filtering options: no support to filter by empty custom field, exclude values in a custom field, etc.
  • no option for users to edit or remove custom fields can cause confusion
  • only show in alphabetical order, there is a workaround now

So when should I use a tag?

Tags are best for general categorizations amongst contacts. Think of a category that has zero or only one sub-category, this makes for a good tag.

Before creating or adding a tag, ask yourself can this be used on 100 or more contacts?

If so, it’s probably a good use for a tag. For example, you might use a tag if you have 1500 contacts that are prospects.


  • it’s general enough that it can be used on a large group, 1500 contacts
  • not every contact is likely to remain a prospect, remember, tags are easier to add/edit/remove
  • you can track email with the tag, and view all activity for contacts with the tag

Another example might be if you have a few hundred contacts that are attending a specific conference or event.

So when should I use a custom field?

Custom fields are best for unique categorizations of contacts. Think of a category that is specific or has two or more specific sub-categories.

Before creating a custom field, ask yourself is this specific enough where it’s seldom to need to change and unique to several contacts?

If so, this is a good use of a custom field. For example, you might use a custom field if you’re storing a Billing ID for customers.


  • this is specific enough of a value that it’s going to be unique for almost every contact
  • this value should never change or seldomly change
  • you can easily filter by the Billing ID to find the exact contact

Another example might be if your tracking an account plan (solo, team, unlimited) for a product.

Does this give you a better idea on the differences of custom fields and tags? If you still have questions, please email our support team.



Chris Gallo

Write about customer support and other shenanigans. Part of the lovely team @highrise, learn more about me here: https://hotdogsandeggs.com