20 For 20: Celebrating A Birmingham Journey

Honestly Ed
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2021

A personal series of reflection, insight and homage

What a difference two decades make.

In 2020, I celebrated my 20th anniversary in Birmingham. This city has been good to me — embraced me as her own. I’ve learned a lot about her and about myself. More than I ever thought I would know.

I’ve spent the past year in revelry and reflection. I have synthesized and published many of my personal and professional experiences in Birmingham and beyond here on my blog.

Honestly, this series, dubbed #20For20, was more for me than for you.

This is my narrative. This is a contemporary history and account of the spaces I have occupied and witnessed. This is a personal accountability exercise to codify what I have learned. And, finally, this is my opportunity to celebrate and challenge our community in ways that matter most to me.

This summary post features all #20For20 posts.

Be encouraged to share and offer feedback with me at ed.fields@birminghamal.gov.

Ed Fields is a marketer and strategist celebrating 20 years in Birmingham with #20For20 — a series of reflection, insight and homage. All posts are featured at www.medium.com/HonestlyEd. Stay connected with Ed on LinkedIn, Medium, Instagram or Twitter.



Honestly Ed

Insights, revelry, and beauty from an essayist, poet, and civic strategist.