Go to Hustle & Write
Hustle & Write
For all the busy writers out there.
Note from the editor

Aren't you sick of saying "I'm busy"? I believe you are. I am busy too. But I also know it's about time you and I do something about it. Because one thing is the irrevocable truth, another is the excuse. Being busy and doing nothing against it is the excuse. If you still don't believe it, all the stories to be written here will tell you otherwise. Want better than that? Write them yourself. This is especially for all the "busy" you out there — you can hustle and write. I can't wait to read your submissions. We all Hustle, & we can still Write. Mark Tey – February 15, 2024

Go to the profile of Mark Tey 🦊
Mark Tey 🦊
Still learning to tame a writing compulsion that keeps me awake at night. She seems a bit wild for poetry but writes about anything that fits Her restless mood.
Go to the profile of Mark Tey 🦊
Mark Tey 🦊
Still learning to tame a writing compulsion that keeps me awake at night. She seems a bit wild for poetry but writes about anything that fits Her restless mood.
Go to the profile of Lyrical Lioness, OCT, M.S.Ed., BMus.
Lyrical Lioness, OCT, M.S.Ed., BMus.
Writing about music, creativity, education, communication, connection, relationship repair, and creating secure relationships. Boosted writer x4 2024
Go to the profile of AC0040
U.S. Army Veteran. Paratrooper. Runner. Nonprofit. Education. I write short stories and poems.
Go to the profile of Rebecca Designs A Life
Rebecca Designs A Life
Writer, thinker, mom; Building the life of my dreams. Writing about how to build your dream life starting right now
Go to the profile of Orestis Ps.
Orestis Ps.
Bringing compassionate insight to Medium writing.
Go to the profile of Edward Swafford
Edward Swafford
Enigmatic. I’m an Australian poet, healthcare professional, and copywriter. I pen poems about spirituality, tech, aged care, mental health and relationships ☺️.
Go to the profile of Nicola
Personal essay & short fiction writer. Writing about the ebbs & flows of this one beautiful life. Making space to craft stories and cultivate curiosities. 🧠⚡️
Go to the profile of Ann James
Ann James
Her writing muse lurks in the volcanic hills amidst mustangs, marmots and jackalopes. While hiking with her dogs, Ann stumbles upon stories of dark humor.
Go to the profile of Bella Smith ⭐
Bella Smith ⭐
Human Behavior/Psychology Enthusiast, Empath, Introvert, INFJ. psychtimespublication.com Let's Connect: https://linktr.ee/bellasmith0705
Go to the profile of Stephen Sovie
Stephen Sovie
A liberal retiree who loves writing about politics, social issues, my pets and my life experiences. You can buy me coffee here, https://ko-fi.com/stephensovie
Go to the profile of Brandon Springer
Brandon Springer
[Insert cringey social proof] My writing has gotten 316,000 views and made $29,658. Oh, and I will publish every day until January 15, 2025. Your mom likes me.
Go to the profile of Alec Zarenkiewicz
Alec Zarenkiewicz
Snobby cannabis farmer, honorable dungeon master, obsessive note taker, passionate cerebrationist, silly tour guide, amateur musician and alleged writer/editor
Go to the profile of Ryan J
Ryan J
From Northern Ireland 🍀 | Based in Sydney 🦘 | Writing about life, mindset and whatever else catches my attention.
Go to the profile of Mario Da Silva
Mario Da Silva
Engineer-Digital Writer and soon-to-be part-time-preneur | I talk about digital writing, entrepreneurship, and journaling | https://mariodasilva.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Marcus Musick
Marcus Musick
Freelance Writer for 7 years and counting. You can connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcus-m-a28b52164/.
Go to the profile of Alexandra Vacilia
Alexandra Vacilia
Comments on the humorous, intriguing and psychological sides of life <3
Go to the profile of Petra Kidd
Petra Kidd
Photographer and Writer. I write short stories. I shoot, I write, I publish. Find me by the River Wensum.
Go to the profile of Neva
Lived in 4 countries so far, and my life is not boring, constantly looking for my way in life.
Go to the profile of C K
MD, Stress specialist (MSc), musician, curious and curly. Wearing many hats, each one carries a different story, and all of them carry me.
Go to the profile of Travis McMullen
Travis McMullen
I write about personal development and life reflections. Join my newsletter for practical tips and insights - https://www.travismcmullen.com/newsletter/
Go to the profile of Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen
Husband, father, lifetime DIY'er, runner, former small business owner, and tech enthusiast sharing perspective thru writing.
Go to the profile of The Human Project
The Human Project
Your Side-Hustle Journey, Our Project | Join 500+ like-minded side hustlers [FREE] - https://bit.ly/44O8boY