Go to I, Migrant: Travel the World
I, Migrant: Travel the World
A very different kind of travel blog | Journey through the human experience
Note from the editor

This is a meeting place for those of us who have a circus in our genes. Whose identity is not easily quantifiable. We are neither one race or another, but a potent cocktail of humanity’s many complexities. We are living proof of a world without borders. I am descended from Sephardic Jews and Basques. From Javanese Hindus and Malayan Muslims. From nomads and gypsies. From people unsettled, in one way or another. I am all this and more, just as you are. More. Ultimately, we are all “displaced” and in search of where we belong. May we find that we belong to each other. Pls share your stories with us, too. Cheers!

Go to the profile of Marga Ortigas
Marga Ortigas
Introspective adventurer. Recovering journalist. Happiest in a world of chocolates, flat whites, marshmallows, and yes — musicals. <www.margaortigas.com>
Go to the profile of Angela Casauay
Go to the profile of Rafael Pieroni
Go to the profile of Ajita Sahu
Ajita Sahu
An ambivert, spilling some thoughts