Yitro: All-night Revelation

Jacob is with IfNotNow NYC.

Yitro, this week’s parsha, marks the giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. This moment, along with the liberation from slavery, is the most fundamental in Judaism. It is also the basis for modern festivals of Shavuot…

Parashat Vayera: What does it mean to be present

Jen is with IfNotNow Philly.

While there is a lot — a lot — to discuss in parshat Vayeira, the two pieces I want to focus on are the stories of S’dom and Amorah (Sodom and Gomorrah) and akedat Yitzhak (the binding of…

Lech-L’cha: The Journey Away From Abuse

Rabbi Lizz is with IfNotNow DC.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. All month we have been hearing about abuse of power, of toxic masculinity and sexist oppression, and though the particular acts we see in the news right now…

Noah: Olam Chesed Yibaneh

Jacob is with IfNotNow NYC.

Last Friday, IfNotNow NYC members gathered before Shabbat, outside the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn, singing Rabbi Menachem Creditor’s Olam Chesed Yibaneh, written in the shadow of September 11th, and translated to English as “We…

IfNotNow Torah
IfNotNow Torah
Divrei Torah from the #JewishResistance. IfNotNow is a Jewish movement to end the American Jewish community’s support for the occupation, and achieve freedom and dignity for all.
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