Korach: Trauma

Lex is with IfNotNow Providence.

“The entire congregation are all holy, and God is in their midst. So why do you raise yourselves above God’s assembly?”

Welcome to Parashat Korach. For some, this section of the Torah tells the story of God’s…

Mishpatim: Let’s Rise Up; Together

Abby Stein is with IfNotNow NYC.

This week’s Torah reading, Mishpatim (literally, laws), is one of the most complicated Torah portions to study in depth. It is a wealth of laws as they relate to interpersonal relationships — Bein Adam

Tazria-Metzora: Watching Your Words

Rabbi Lizz is with IfNotNow DC

In Parashat Tazria-Metzora, the Torah deals with the rules of ritual purity and impurity, including the impurity of skin blemishes. Tza’arat, often translated as “leprosy,” is described in detail, telling us of…

Balak: May my fate be like theirs!

Jacob is with IfNotNow NYC.

The last time I read parashat Balak was in 2002, for my Bar Mitzvah. I don’t really remember what I said in the speech I gave to my Conservative congregation in Trenton, NJ, except for one big detail- I suggested…

Pesach: From the Narrow Spaces to Liberation

Lizz is with IfNotNow DC.

At IfNotNow’s #ResistAIPAC action a few weeks ago, we used a lot of Passover imagery. When our friends who had locked themselves against the doors of the convention center were escorted away from the…

Tzav: A Flame Continually Burning

Rabbi Mira is with IfNotNow NYC.

Esh tamid tukad al hamizbe’ach, lo tichbeh, lo tichbeh.

“An eternal flame shall be kept burning on the altar;

IfNotNow Torah
IfNotNow Torah
Divrei Torah from the #JewishResistance. IfNotNow is a Jewish movement to end the American Jewish community’s support for the occupation, and achieve freedom and dignity for all.
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