My Writing Journey

The 100-Day Writing Challenge and My Writing Tips from Atomic Habits

Wambui Njuguna
Published in
5 min readJul 28, 2022


Ten days ago, I committed to a writing challenge where I publish one article daily on Medium and Simily.

This challenge has been a way of improving my productivity by implementing some of the things I learned from Atomic Habits.

Following my previous articles 4 Ways to improve your writing habits with these tips from Atomic Habits and How to make your writing habits easier with these tips from Atomic Habits, I found a way to implement the lessons I shared to improve my writing career.

The 100-day writing challenge is the system that combines all these tips.

In this article, I will illustrate how this challenge has made it easier to implement the tips in my previous article and share my progress so far.

1. The power of atomic habits

1% progress gets you closer to your goal than no progress at all.

My goal is to achieve financial freedom as a full-time freelance writer. Publishing an article every day has many benefits for my freelance career. Several writers on this platform highlight the benefits of posting daily.

I could write a draft today or read a few tips on how to be a great writer, but it is until I share an article that I am a writer.

The former activities give me a sense of achievement, but if I am not implementing what I learn it is of no use to me.

A graph showing increase
Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

The 100-day writing challenge pushes me to take the next step needed to fast-track my progress. It helps me cross the bridge between being in motion and achieving sustainable progress.

In a previous article, I mentioned that I need to ground myself more to achieve progress, the challenge is the grounding I need.

2. Habit change through identity change

Quoting a previous article:

Your habits influence your identity and vice versa.

A writer writes. That’s just it. Every day I write makes me a writer, and eventually, I will write every day because I am a writer.

3. Focusing on a strategy rather than the goal

The strategy is a system you use to achieve your goals.

I will drive myself crazy if I focus on gaining financial freedom by typing away on my laptop. Months ago, I was clueless and overwhelmed.

Focusing on a strategy helps take my mind off the big picture.

All I think about every evening when I am writing is I committed to this challenge, so I must follow through.

With this challenge, I also created a system I am yet to share to help me improve my pitching and social media strategy.

These are tiny building blocks I follow every day. In hindsight, they are stepping blocks to achieving financial freedom.

Stones aligned from a water body to the shore
Photo by Sam Barber on Unsplash

Quoting the previous article:

If you are prone to anxiety, focusing on your goals, especially if you are unsure how to achieve them, can fuel your anxiety.

4. Motivation is overrated

I used to publish an article when I came up with an idea I thought was worth sharing.

Now, I publish every day because I have to. I decided to participate in this challenge because I’m good at my word.

Every evening I set up a nice working space, and I start. Sometimes, I sit down with an idea and end up with a different article; today is one of those days.

5. Make writing fun

I love challenges. It’s the other reason why this 100-day writing challenge is suitable for me.

In the article I’m quoting, I mentioned that writing doesn't have to be a tedious chore you need to get through.

Alex Mathers says you can’t beat someone who’s enthusiastic about what they are doing.

I love challenging myself; physically, mentally, and in every way possible. I’m not one to back down from a challenge, and I love solving puzzles.

This challenge was my way of making writing fun.

6. Using habit-building methods

I wrote at different times within the past few days before I realized I like writing in the evening.

When I need to, however, I still use the methods I mentioned in the second article.

I know I have to write a new article after networking on social media and before working out. These are habits I already had that took place at those hours, and after a while, writing just comfortably settled in that specific slot.

Now, if I feel like I’m not up to it -which has not happened yet- I will know that that specific time is for writing and get on with it.

7. Prep your environment

When my clock nears 16:00, I clean any dishes I have been using, turn off my phone, and set up my laptop.

Sometimes I have no idea what to write, but I do it anyway.

After clicking publish I close my laptop, keep away my pen and notebook, and clear my space of anything else I had been using.

A white desk with a watch, notebook, phone, and pencil neatly arranged
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

At the same time the next day, I won’t waste time looking for the items I need to start writing.

Writing every day has helped me automate this process.



Wambui Njuguna

Compiling my first book, How to develop a healthy relationship with your environment, in my newsletter. Get access: