Top Stories published by Immersed in 2008

Planet of Slums

Last night I read just the first ten or so pages of a book called “Planet of Slums” by Mike Davis. Fascinating and thought-provoking stuff. I’ll have to go back to Borders (my regular haunt) and keep reading it (or even buy it!).

Citizen Journalists

Whilst browsing Blogs this evening, I found this interesting story about Citizen Journalists in Kolkata, India — I was immediately fascinated as, despite the lack of refinement and grammatical perfection, the stories being shared online by inexperienced local Indian writers give such vivid…

U.N., Google, Cisco Unite on poverty-tracking web site

(Article from Computerworld)

The United Nations, Google and Cisco Systems have launched a Web site that will track the progress toward decreasing global poverty by 2015.

The tension between our own needs and others needs

Ok, I succumbed and spent $29.95 to buy “Planet of Slums” by Mike Davis. I think this is going to become one of my most valuable texts in understanding and prioritising the needs of poverty relief. It’s packed with so many cross-references to…

Bill Gates and Creative Capitalism

Okay, it might be almost 3am but I’ve just read an article reporting on Bill Gates’ newly-coined term of “Creative Capitalism” that I finally felt is starting to ‘get it’, so I just HAVE to throw in my 2 cents!

Heather Ledger : symbolic of a lost generation?

While millions are dying each year because they can’t afford to stay alive, it seems that at the opposite end of the spectrum those with millions of dollars and every opportunity available to them are struggling with incredible internal pain and…

One crazy guy’s stories from the trenches of business, marketing and cross-cultural living
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