Black Friday-Cyber Monday promotion on Incent

Guy Brandon
Incent Loyalty
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2016

With the end of our crowdfund approaching, we wanted to let investors know about the promotion we’re running over the Thanksgiving long weekend.

From Black Friday through to Cyber Monday, 00:00 UTC on 25 November to 23:59 UTC 28 November, we’re offering a 20% bonus on purchases of Incent tokens.

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Over the last eight weeks we’ve been busy building partnerships alongside hosting our ICO, keen as we are to hit the ground running with our first merchant integrations as soon after token creation and distribution as we can. And it’s looking good!

Early on we announced our first bricks-and-mortar partner, the Temperance Society Bar in Sydney, as well as our first e-commerce partnerSure Green, a landscaping wholesaler in the UK.

In fact, we’ve been bowled over by the level of support and interest we’ve had from businesses — each of which recognise something different that’s attractive and useful about Incent to them. Next came a partnership with SME Australia, a membership organisation including 30,000 businesses, many of whom we expect to be able to onboard as Incent merchants. We’ve been accepted into a FinTech hub here in Sydney and have established our office right in the heart of the business district, in a fantastic spot for networking and discovering further opportunities —something that is well under way already!

Hot off the press, we have just entered into a collaboration with Aimia (Google them to see how big a deal this is). We have interest from the digital product group of a top tier business service consultancy, and we are well advanced in the pitch and procurement process of a large Australia-wide Insurance business for a pilot scheme — something we believe would be an absolute game changer. (For reasons you’ll appreciate, we won’t give names until we have an agreement.)

Last of all… we’ve baked our own product into a hosted ICO deposit solution that has already caught the attention of other startups, with our first client deploying it for their own ICO just as ours completes. This will generate new demand for Incent and support price on secondary markets right from the outset!

Bottom line: we’re thrilled with the level of interest we’ve had from enterprise, and very grateful for the support we’ve received from the crypto community. We feel we’re building something special, and are glad you’re part of it. If you haven’t invested yet, or if you want to top up your holdings ahead of the closing days of our crowdfund, please do take advantage of our 20% Incent bonus over the next four days.

Have a great Thanksgiving,

The Incent Team



Guy Brandon
Incent Loyalty

UK-based cryptocurrency communicator since early 2014. Writer for Maker Foundation and founder of