The Election: Only Days Away

How our writers see the run-up to the most important moment in our lives.

Ramona Grigg
Indelible Ink
4 min readOct 30, 2020


Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

If all goes well we should know who won the presidency late Tuesday night, or possibly early Wednesday morning. If it goes any longer than that there’s a good chance we’ll be cheated out of another election, most likely by the GOP challenging mail-in votes, as they’re already planning to do.

The only way we can avoid it is to vote as if our lives depended on it, in numbers so vast there will be no question about who won. Our choice here at Indelible Ink isn’t a secret. We’re going Blue all the way. Joe Biden over Donald Trump. Decency and responsibility over….whatever the hell that was.

In How Do We Say It? Petr Swedock does, in fact, talk about debates, decency, and the role of the press.

After Trump’s hospitalization with COVID I wondered if he would get a sympathy surge. (Update: Doesn’t look like it. One small victory)

In An Unexpected Guest at Kingsbury Hall, A Coghlan muses about that pesky fly on the Veep’s head.

Strong women in politics seem always to be in danger. My own governor in Michigan had to fear for her own kidnapping in a bizarre plot that Trump seems to think is a big nothing.

Janina Lamb talks about total domination (it’s a thing now, apparently) in If You Don’t Dominate, You’re Wasting Your Time.

In Valentines and Chess Moves, Karie Luidens uses her own amazing illustrations as backdrops for her piece on what has happened, what is happening, and what we might do about it.

Is the Trump administration endorsing herd immunity? I talk about it in Herd Immunity Can’t Happen Without The Herd.

Andy McWain wants us to remember why we recite the pledge in Save Our Country With A Heavy Dose Of The Pledge of Allegiance. He suggests we should use it as a battle cry.

Eileen Vorbach Collins is tired of the entertainment factor vs. science and facts in the Trump era. It’s not funny anymore. Read more in Macho Macho Man, Rambo or Bimbo.

In My Years With Joe Biden, I write about my affection for Joe, even though I didn’t vote for him.

In Things Are Getting Weird Up Here, Edy Stoughton writes about friends and neighbors and how the Trump-Biden election has changed the climate in the north country.

In Time to Lose the Clowns, Janina Lamb writes that she has nothing against clowns, she just doesn’t want one for president.

In Yes, Preaching to the Choir IS All It’s Cracked Up to Be I defend political conversations among friends. It’s how we build our community.

Mary DeVries takes on the uncomfortable conversation about her religion and the politics at hand in Because I’m a Christian I Voted For Biden.

And Joanne Bamberger finishes up with Chief Justice Roberts Just Lost control of His Court. Will Roberts hang it up if Biden wins?

So that’s it until next time. In our next newsletter we’ll hopefully know the outcome of the elections, and we’ll have plenty to say. Please read and share our stories, and don’t forget to highlight, comment, and clap for them. (50 claps would be nice. Did you know you can clap 50 times? Just hold the mouse button down and it’ll do the clapping for you. One clap gives us an inferiority complex. I’m sure you didn’t mean it that way…)

And, as always, thank you so much for supporting the writers at Indelible Ink.

