Top Stories published by Inklings of Reality in 2010

Free Resources on Islam

His Peace Upon Us reports on a few free resources on Islam.

Free “Discover Islam” E-book Resources DVD- You have to fill out your name and address, but the DVD should arrive soon.

Free E-Book on Islamic View of the Prophets — Downloadable .rar file. I use 7-Zip to extract the archive.

The Puritan Library Resource

I want to point you to an amazing resource page I have found from Monergism. It’s called the Puritan Library. On it, they have made available lots of free pdfs, mobis, epubs, and html pages of books by puritan authors. You will find Richard Sibbes, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen…

The Bible vs. the Qur’an

In this first of a series of questions about Islam, I would like to address the comparison of the Bible vs. the Qur’an. First of all, I do not believe that everything in the Qur’an is evil, as some such as Robert Spencer and Don Richardson have claimed. There are some parts that…

Mosque at Ground Zero — Some Clarification and my take

Much is being made of the Cordoba Initiative, an Islamic cultural center being built a couple of blocks away from where the Twin Towers used to stand in New York City. There is a lot of misinformation being put out there as well…

Too Much Facebook?

This woman sure did:

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A north Florida mother has pleaded guilty to shaking her baby to death after the boy’s crying interrupted her game on Facebook.
Alexandra V. Tobias pleaded guilty to second-degree murder on Wednesday


Some hymns for you to enjoy. Visit Page CXVI.…

These were the top 18 stories published by Inklings of Reality in 2010. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2010 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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