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Inland is a design and innovation lab. Inland Design was part of the Finnish Immigration Service from the year 2017 to 2019. Since the beginning of 2020, the service designers of the Inland Design are working within the Ministry of the Interior.
Guest posts
Inland Design muuttuu verkostomaiseksi innovaatio- ja muotoilulaboratorioksi
Inland Design muuttuu verkostomaiseksi innovaatio- ja muotoilulaboratorioksi
Kirjoittaneet: Pia Laulainen ja Mariana Salgado
Pia Laulainen
Jul 4, 2022
Giving immigrant families a role in policy planning
Giving immigrant families a role in policy planning
Family ties and work have been the most common reason to move to Finland in recent years. However, family-based immigration is rarely at…
Mariana Salgado
Oct 28, 2021
Report on the experiences of safety and security among vulnerable groups
Report on the experiences of safety and security among vulnerable groups
As part of the Government Report on Internal Security in the Ministry of the Interior together with my colleagues in the Strategic steering…
Mariana Salgado
Oct 22, 2021
Policy labs challenges in the public sector: the value of design for more responsive organizations
Policy labs challenges in the public sector: the value of design for more responsive organizations
Inland design was part of Migri when Tamami Komatsu interviewed me to make a report for the European project she was working on in SISCODE…
Mariana Salgado
Oct 8, 2021
The value of design to the work of the ministry
The value of design to the work of the ministry
Mariana Salgado and Pia Laulainen
Mariana Salgado
May 24, 2021
Inland’s work right now
Inland’s work right now
Mariana Salgado and Pia Laulainen
Mariana Salgado
May 17, 2021
Remaining an idealist — leaving Migri after 3 years as a designer
Remaining an idealist — leaving Migri after 3 years as a designer
It is now just over 3 years that I started as a service designer at Migri, the Finnish Immigration Service, in August 2017. It has been…
Suse Miessner
Sep 27, 2020
Inland Thesis
Inland Thesis
Design capability in Migri: revealing challenges and opportunities for the development
Inland Design
May 6, 2020
Innovaatiot liittyen coronavirukseen
Innovaatiot liittyen coronavirukseen
Vapaa-ajallani pidän podcastia. Haastattelen muotoilijoita jotka tekevät social designiin liittyvää työtä espanjaksi. Olen tehnyt 14…
Mariana Salgado
Mar 31, 2020
Co-designing a HR chatbot personality
Co-designing a HR chatbot personality
If you have been following Inland Design work, you might know that in 2017, together with Susse Miessner, we have codesigned the customer…
Mariana Salgado
Mar 30, 2020
Inland is in the Ministry of the Interior, first steps
Inland is in the Ministry of the Interior, first steps
It has been two months since the Inland Design team has been operating in the Ministry of the Interior. As a design expert my experience…
Mariana Salgado
Mar 25, 2020
Matka koulunpenkiltä virkamiehen pallille
Matka koulunpenkiltä virkamiehen pallille
Henkilökohtainen tarina muotoiluopiskelijan muodonmuutoksesta
Pia Laulainen
Jan 10, 2020
On the future of Inland Design
On the future of Inland Design
In the design community there has lately been some bad news with the closure of Mind Lab in Denmark, as well as other design labs, such as…
Mariana Salgado
Nov 3, 2019
MyData 2019 — What Inlanders learned at the conference
MyData 2019 — What Inlanders learned at the conference
The global MyData2019 conference was organised at the end of September. It is now time for us to evaluate what we learned and how the…
Suse Miessner
Oct 31, 2019
Teaching Kamu to speak
Teaching Kamu to speak
Final outcomes from Migri’s chatbot voice experiment
Suse Miessner
Oct 22, 2019
The future of customer service
The future of customer service
(Voit lukea tämän artikkelin lopussa suomennetun version)
Mariana Salgado
Oct 1, 2019
Learning from Spanish and Portuguese speaking designers
Learning from Spanish and Portuguese speaking designers
25 interviews to designers working in the public sector
Mariana Salgado
Sep 25, 2019
To brand or not to brand, this is the question
To brand or not to brand, this is the question
One of the efforts of the Finnish government to adopt best practices from the private sector was to create Inland Design, an innovation…
Mariana Salgado
Sep 10, 2019
In networks, we trust
In networks, we trust
In our team, we network a lot. We participate in different networks with different level of commitment and involvement. In this article, I…
Mariana Salgado
Aug 26, 2019
Service design training in 7 days
Service design training in 7 days
Mariana Salgado
Aug 21, 2019
What is my application situation today?
What is my application situation today?
At Migri, there is one main question that we our customers care about “When is my decision ready?” Together with other colleagues at Migri…
Suse Miessner
Aug 19, 2019
Yes! We did our first design sprint
Yes! We did our first design sprint
Yes! we learnt
Mariana Salgado
Aug 13, 2019
My tools are our tools
My tools are our tools
On the collaborative development of a year clock for Migri board meetings
Mariana Salgado
Aug 6, 2019
Voice of Kamu — Experimenting with chatbot voice technology at Migri
Voice of Kamu — Experimenting with chatbot voice technology at Migri
Our Migri chatbot Kamu is now 1 year old. The team has taught the chatbot to answer in many of the content areas that Migri is concerned…
Suse Miessner
Jun 16, 2019
A podcast as a tool for personal, open and shared development
A podcast as a tool for personal, open and shared development
In November 2018 I started to host a podcast on design for social change in Spanish. In this article I explain the background and how a…
Mariana Salgado
Jun 10, 2019
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