Archive of stories published by Innocode Stories

How to do OCR in Ruby on OSX

I found this story, and tried to run it, but got into couple of troubles. So to save your time, here is my revised version.

Restore InfluxDB from backup in kubernetes

Restoring InfluxDB v1.3 from backup in Docker environment is no small feat (duh). But Kubernetes isn’t exactly docker — so how do we do it there?

The idea in docker variant is simple: have 2 volumes, one for InfluxDB data (without…

Things we learned while coding our first poker bot

Few weeks ago Innocode together with Ivan Nemytchenko from GitLab hosted a @Leanpoker event — hakathon for curious programmers of all levels of experience.

These were the top 10 stories published by Innocode Stories; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021.