Top Stories published by Inovia Conversations in April of 2013

Inovia is Looking for an Analyst

As the title suggests, we are looking to expand our team once again. One of the questions VCs get asked the most is how to get into venture capital. The short answer is — don’t plan on getting into venture capital. The numbers are against you, there isn’t a direct path…

Being a Hustler is Not Enough

Often the startup community attaches itself to buzzwords. We all know them. Growth hacker, lean, gamification, pivot, MVP, viral, ninja, disruptive, etc. I, and you, have been guilty of using them. These terms are not bad by nature and most have real meaning behind them…

Tragic Accident or Series of Compounding Bad Decisions?

My worlds collided today as the Mosby helicopter crash was reported in tech news. @verge tweeted, “Texting contributed to fatal helicopter crash, US transportation board rules”.