Top Stories published by IPinfo Blog in 2017

Why You Should Build Your Company on APIs

This is a guest post from Matt Sornson, Growth Marketer at Clearbit.
Uber is built on dozens of third-party APIs. 
But if you asked Google Maps in 2006, Twilio in 2008, or Braintree in 2007 about potential use-cases for Uber’s product — not one of them…

How Marketers Overlook 93% of Potential Customers

If you get 30,000 site visitors a month, you only get to know 2,100 of them. The 7% of site visitors who convert are the source of all your data on your prospects and customers. They inform future marketing decisions, sales pipelines, product…

These were the top 10 stories published by IPinfo Blog in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.